Class dismiss at 9.30am. So early! Extremely early! What are we going to do with this hours? Shopping centers are not even open yet. Went Far east to have Long john Silver. Miss cheese. Reached there and it was still serving breakfast. ohh myy. Waited for half an hour more, just to eat lunch. Yummy. Ate lot of cheese. Until I am abit scare of cheese now. whahahaha! After that, we went around. Orchard seems boring to me now. No idea what to buy. Then June bought a slippers from C&K. Nice slippers. Went to have butterscotch ice cream. Yummy. Love ice cream. Drooling. Hahaha. Off to heeren and bugis. So long never go bugis. Been such a long long time. The cinema center remind me of my first time watching movie with Eddie. Brought back memories. haha. Went to the newly open Mickey Mouse shop. And it was having some VIP and Guest event. No access of outsiders. Wahhh got to wait again? What's wrong witht today? Go everywhere also need to wait. Shu fen recommended us about her delicious curry from the food court. Ohh myy.. It's nice! Must try! Not that spicy and the smell is so tempting. I was sharing the Crispy Chicken mushroom soup with june. I am such a greedy person. hahaha! Love curry and soup! Quite filling. After we ate finshed, it is already 4.30pm and we went to the Mickey Mouse shop. Hmmm.. First impression of that shop. Ehh.. Quite childish? haha. Mickey mouse everywhere. Some clothes are nice, some are not. Then saw a Mickey mouse bag. Quite nice looking. Unique? Try the rectangle one. Hmmm.. Look weird on me. Don't know why. Just feeling weird. Don't know whether should I buy or not. In the end, I bought it for 35bucks. It's cheap. But i am broke. Awww~ Cannot go for shopping on this weekend liao. Sobb.. Guess where we went after that? June's hometown! =X Many things in that departmental store. Hmmm.. Alot alot. But then we buy nothing. haha. Jocyceline was getting afraid and uneasy. Then we left after some time. Hahaha. F3 didn't know the way out. Guess it was a long walk to reach the bus stop. Walk for some distance to my bus stop. Feel so tired. Sleep and money is all I need! Hand it over!
Reformated my laptop on thursday. Thanks to guang lin. hahahaha! jk. Jammed half way during practical then.. Blue error screen appeared! I was so excited? Wait for so long. Reached school at 12pm plus that day, so that I got time to bring my laptop to mel service center to have check up. But then the uncle said, I can't do the repair for u. Because I don't know what error ur computer has. I was like..... getting fed up. Then he asked me to switch on my laptop and wait till the blue screen appear. And I wait and wait. I am rushing late for my 1pm class lah. The blue error screen still didn't appear. Then he told me, when the blue error screen appear, bring ur laptop to me. i was... Fed up. What kind of service center is this? Because too many people? Maybe. Then they should hire more people to assist. I am a IT dummy. If my laptop don't have any problem, why am I bringing it to u. U think holding a laptop walking up a level is very fun? It is heavy lah. Then when my blue screen appeared, I brought it up. And guess what the other uncle told me? Ur laptop dead liao. Keep on repeating. Oh.. How am I going to know whats wrong with my laptop? I wanna know why my laptop is dead and not hearing things like "ur laptop is dead". I got so fed up. U are an IT assistant, u think i got x-ray eyes to see what ur mind is thinking? I can't tell. Got to ask him so many questions lah. Then he said, repair is only 1 out of few cases will be success. Maybe u'll be the lucky one. dots! I asked how about reformat? He said, if after u reformated ur laptop and the blue screen still come back means ur hardware problem. At least this is a more better answer. Then I go down and take my cd for reformating. Melvin said alot about the mel service center. In the end, I asked him to help me reformat my laptop. Haha. Poor him, got to help me take my laptop all the way to canteen 2. =X He's a kind soul. Thanks melvin! Thanks alot. Alot of software got deleted. Don't even have microsoft word all that, macromedic stuff, Visual basic and JCreator. Damn. Got to download in school again. Got to ask park for help on how to create domain. Forgot all that stuff le.
The mickey mouse bag I bought. Complicated pictures? Say it looks NICE!