Friday, April 27, 2007

I am really depressed.
Working 9.30pm today. Extremely busy for the day, I feel like sleeping when I did the test scenarios. It makes my eyes feel so tired staring at the computer screen for like more than 12 hours?
I really can't finish the test scenarios at all.
I counted. I still have 14 left.
This 3 days, I only manage to complete 5? HAHA.
I still can't figure out the website as well as who are the users. Well, it keep on changing.. It's tough to figure out with just 2 days left!
If I can't finish, I will need to go back on labour day. Which is so sad!
It's not the matter of earning OT or not, it's the matter of handling my work on time.
And I am really lacking of time. Reason is I am slow. I can't really process fast with not enough sleep. :(

And today I have to walk all the way out from the carpark to the bus stop outside Science Park2. My gosh.. It's so damn scary. Seriously, I bet most people will call for cab. But I didn't, because I might need to go back on sunday to work. I am saving for sunday. Well, I walk so fast, 2 times faster than usual pace. Reached the bus stop, and the stupid buses just won't come. Opposite me, the constuction site is releasing the workers, I am so afraid that they might rob me or something. Just happened there is 3 guys waiting for the buses at the bus stop too, I feel quite safe. as long as I don't have to stay at the bus stop with those workers! I don't care whether the bus goes to interchange or stop outside the mrt station, as long as I board the bus with them, I feel safe. And I really did that. HAHA!

I complain almost everything.
Work, I whine. Don't work, I also whine.
It's just my normal reaction.
And I feel I am being left out now.
Please do something about it.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Today is really busy after 5pm.
Last minute the person in charge of the project come and find me.
Well.. I have maybe more than 15 test plans on hand that I need to do.
Me and my friend have been slacking for the past two days and basically doing scanning.
Oh ya.. And eating company biscuits. WHAHAHAHAH! They have different biscuits everyday! I love them a lot! Cool surprise for staffs. I love free food. Told ya.
Now I am afraid that I can't make it on friday as I might need to do overtime just for the dead line of everything which is on 2nd of May.
And if I can't finish everything by friday, I might need to come back on the labour day just to work finish!
Can you imagine it?

I need to breathe.

Friday, April 20, 2007

How poor can I be?
Check out linnyberry and you will know.
I bought 1 set of office wear and it's less than $40. =X
I am seriously left with $2 in my wallet, and a single digit in my bank.
And my parents are not giving me any allowance at all.
I am so dead. I don't know how am I going to survive next week when I will be working.
And the transport is so EXPENSIVE.

I wish I got load of moolah.
Poor poor poor.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I need to think carefully before I can decide..
One is nearer to me, other is quite far and require more money.
But is 50cents per hour for the 3months more sound good to you or 50cent less for the first month, but a basic pay for the next 2months sound better to you?
Plus one is nearer to foods, other is quite deserted.
One is related to IT, other is related to sales.
One is more exposure to youngster, more easy to talk to. The other is more adult-like, and lots of indians. LOL But they're smart in programming.

Which one should I really choose?

I never say no to money and free food. LOL
See how cheapo I am.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

等待了一年 又一年
我只等 这一天

让挂念 代替了 相处
瞬间是永远 谈情变祝福
可惜 甜言也带苦

一辈子 靠今天 接触
瞬间是永远 谈情变祝福
可惜 都於事无补
今夜 有人陪你庆祝
不枉 我一年的孤独
请你 原谅我 不多写一个字
像 普通人糢糊
多一字 多份痛
今夜 我不想哭

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You

For more information, please refer to shufen's blog for pics and details. HOHO!
Thanks f3 and T11 guys for the presentsssss!
Thanks alottttttttt!

T11, we should have more outing! I really miss the times in school with everyone..
Like mel and minky always picking each other without a reason.
TGL always pretend that he knows what other is talking about. =X
Xm is always quiet, except when they start talking about soccer.
Yeesheng is always with XM.
Kian min is T11-1 or maybe T11+1, but.. he's always hanging around with mel, minky and jacky.
Steve is always the quiet one but he loves playing board game or any game.
And for f3, they will always try to eat from the same stall in canteen. LOL. Like malay food? HAHAHA!
Lastly, park! He's always there for us. Yup, no matter what. Old man is the wise one. :)

And for xx, he will wait for me after school and accompany me home! <3

Thanks everyoneeeeeeee!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I can see..
But cannot touch..
I can see..
But cannot try on..
I can see..
But cannot buy..

Money where are u?

If ur company is hiring for more staff, do let me know. I am in need of job!

And please do not tell other that you have introduce me jobs when you didn't huh. And that 1 number you give me is call ALOT?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My stupid brother always got me into trouble.

I hate his nagging of telling me to find a job.
I am poor enough that I don't even have moolah to go out.
I want moolah moolah moolah!
And a job!


Thursday, April 05, 2007

I have design a new layout for linnyberry.
Yup, it's a BUSY day. I have to look for pictures and do edit.
Heh! I am just using paint and firework, reason is simple, I don't know photoshop at all. Can someone please teach me how to use it? It's really tough! I don't even understand simple icon. :(
But how's my new layout? Nice? Cute? Give me comments!
I am still not sure to put the one with berries or just simply strawberries?


Just strawberries
Which one better?