I am back to blog again. Nothing interesting about my life for the past few weeks, not working, slack at home, working hard on practising piano, thinking hard how to earn big money, waiting for money to drop from the sky, can't wait to go thailand to shop like crazy and play The Sims 2 Deluxe.
This week, it's super busy, go out everyday, sleep at 3am everyday and wake up at 10am. 7 hours of sleep or less, is definitely not enough for me! I have the habit of sleeping for more than 8 hours per day. HAAA! I know I am a slacker and a pig, to make this worst, I snore. It's NORMAL okay! Doesn't mean that girls cannot snore! Don't anti me leh. HAHAHA! Joc, you can eat sleeping pills when you sleep with me for the thai trip! =X
Monday: Timbre night with F4
YES! Finally able to step into Timbre. I feel that the ambience is better for group chill up, Live band, pizza, alcohol and chit chat(gossip). No cute guys tho. Sad. HAHA! Anyway the pizza is nice!

Tuesday: Sun with Moon & Gardening exhibition with lesbian partners.
In case you don't know, I am a committed lesbian. I love threesome, and so far so good. Three is never a crowd and we love each other dearly just that sometime we like to front stab each other. HAHA! And recently my partners are dating with opposite sex. I am jealous! Because nobody dates me! And they're actually jealous that I went out with another girl for the NDP. KNS! Soon, I will be in love with other girls and abandon ship! WHAHAHA! Just kidding lah! Lets meet up more often can?
Okay, my photos are not doing their job, didn't bring the camera out and all these are taken using my N70. Don't curse my phone hor! hahahaha!

I needa sleep early liao.. Pimples pop out like nobody business. I am ugly ducking now. SOB!