Today went to watch movie with T11. haha.. Actually not the whole class, only eight of us, including me. We went to lido to watch Wimbledon. That movie is quite interesting. It's about two tennis people who fall in love at first sight. Quite romantic. It's quite exciting at the end of the movie. The male actor is competing for the championship. Well, guess u guys should know the answer. It will alway be the male leading actor be the champion. haha. Then we went to far east to take neoprints. Si samuel. Hate him leh. Draw my mouth until like this. So ugly. haha. Then melvin can't be see, guess murgesh is too huge in size le. haha. Nevermind, we still got next time. But overall the photo taking session is quite fun. Yeah man! haha. then after that went to play pool. Quite fun, enjoy it. Even through long time never play pool le. This is the second time I'm playing pool le. Still got abit unstable and having difficulties. This time, we f4 had broke record le, the latest time we went shopping together. only 6pm plus lah. haha. We are good kids. =P
Hmmm... What should I say about u? What I should say, I already say. But I think whether I had said or not, it won't has any effect at all. If one day, I suddenly disappear, will u message me and concern about me? To u, i may be just a simple friend of yours. But to me, U're not just a simple friend of my. Am I too greedy? Maybe I am. I'm learning to be content. Ya, should be content. Wo men shi hao peng you. Hmm.. Your display picture really very sweet and nice. I want it~ haha. But I shall not force u. It's your choice. Your decision. Sigh. I'm a loser. Let it be. Let it be. Let the rain fall and wake my dream.
[ love is not an on off lightbulb, that U can on or off anytime ]
This is those neoprints that we took. haha. Funny right? No comments about my lips hor. If not..... U're dead meat. hahaha.
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