Happy 1 Month Anniversary!
Quite bad luck in the morning. I woke up EARLY so that I can have enough time to dress up nicely. But then, in the end I'm still late for class. hahaha. Keep on dropping things today. What happened to my hand?
Was going out to celebrate but then.. The weather make a joke on us. It was raining "mao mao yu". hahaha. I really thought is that the rain was not so heavy. But then when we came out from the class room. It was raining cats and dogs! Ohhh myy.. Me and my "mao mao yu". Was going to meet alvin in orchard. Guess he was there buying present. Last minute work.. I was trying not to get wet in the rain. Damn. It was pouring as if singapore lack of water. The damn worst thing is that, when shufen and I decided to take the 154 or 151 bus, I was rushing out of the bus stop in that rain, the bus driver closed the door. ARGHS! Then I got to rush out and in to the bus stop again. So stupid lah! Damn that driver. Maybe raining, his eyes sight not so good huh? Should be. Unfortunate things alway happened on raining day. Feel like going home for a bath before meeting alvin. Was drenched from rain. But then he was in orchard wondering around.. So I guess I should meet him. Yup. Was really feeling disappointed when we can't go to that secret place of his. AHhhh. Things didn't went smoothly as it should be. He was broke as his mum took 20bucks from him. Then plus he bought a present. He's poor. But then it was okay for me. The most important thing is that find a place and sit. So we decided to go city hall due to the large amount of people in orchard. Reached city hall, I suggested esplanade library. Quiet place to sit and sleep. haha. I sleep awhile. Too tired. Only slept for 5hours yesterday because I start making his card at 1am. Make until about 2am then went to bed. So I need to rest. Alot of things were on my mind. But then what make me quite angry was when I hear this from him. "Don't write me a too mushy testi, so that when I posted, my church mates will not suspect anything." I was... What's wrong to let your church mates know about our relation? DOTS. But then after awhile, I am okay le. haha. Bluffed him that I got no present for him. haha. Hope he'll wear that T-shirt. It was expensive for a 1 month anniversary present. hahaha.
Even though it was raining today, but it's the thoughts that really count and not where we are.
Thanks for the alvin2. hahaha.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Not feeling good.
I don't know.
Just feel fucking pissed off.
I am petty.
Don't make me angry.
I will fight.
I wonder why am I feeling this way.
I don't know.
Not in the mood.
Tests didn't turned out well.
That spoil my mood.
Wanted to treat u well.
But the way u showed, make me doubt.
Am I doing the right thing?
Maybe PMS.
Yaa. Should be.
I am broke.
No life.
Leave me alone.
That's the way I am.
Leave me alone.
I don't know.
Just feel fucking pissed off.
I am petty.
Don't make me angry.
I will fight.
I wonder why am I feeling this way.
I don't know.
Not in the mood.
Tests didn't turned out well.
That spoil my mood.
Wanted to treat u well.
But the way u showed, make me doubt.
Am I doing the right thing?
Maybe PMS.
Yaa. Should be.
I am broke.
No life.
Leave me alone.
That's the way I am.
Leave me alone.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
For the past whole week I have been going out non-stop. whahahaha! Plus sleep with my bed. *Winking at june. Therefore for this common tests week, I didn't do well. Guess I know my result. Something bad happened on last sunday and till now I still having the bad luck charm. ARGHS!~
Met Alvin on sunday at boon keng mrt. We walked to his usually boarding bus stop. Walk half way, my left leg slipper broke. I am so panick at that moment. Never meet before this kind of circumstance. Alvin offered to accompany me home. But I insisted on accompany him wait for his bus. Haha. In the end, got to hop back home. People look at me as if I am from other planet. Zzz. Never see human hopping home with a broken slipper? haha.
My broken slipper. =(

Yesterday is OOP test. WHAHAHAHA. Guess my tester is gone case. I really didn't know how to do the tester class. I did one array and then... the rest listAll method.. I got no idea how to do. whahaha. It's okay. That is the past. wooo.. Went to Alvin's house yesterday for study but end up watching windstruck. So touching.. One year ago, I watched this movie with pc and her bf, now I re-watched it with Alvin. So strangely yet so memorable. Hmmm.. Accompany him ate dinner at macdonalds. Reached home at around 8pm. Was so tired and sleepy. Online awhile and can't take it anymore. Went to bed early yesterday. =)
DataBase test today is... "Easy"? That's what Mr chee said to park, "The paper is easy right?" EHhh.. Do u think so? Appendix A was damn difficult? I can't remember any term. Or should I say I didn't read through? whahaha. Anyhow wrote. Was hoping if I can get some mark to give me a pass. Appendix B was about commands. Hmmm.. Last minute study, all I can remember is just inner join. Hope my Appendix B will get me a pass. But then come to think of it, last minute study never work right. sweat.
Was raining just now. Got home and wash my leg immediately, was rushing out from my kitchen to change my clothes. But who knows. Humpty dumty had a great fall. I slip and fall. Hurt my backside. Didn't know whether should i laugh at myself or cry. Was shunned at that meJust now talk to my mum about the selling cookies stuff, got to use her oven to bake them. And guess her reaction? whahahaha. She said she will help me look out for apples. Prefer me to give apples rather than sell cookies. She even say she will sponsor me those 5000 apples! SWEAT! I was shocked. Wow. U're rich huh? dots. Nothing better to do? Then she says, she will buy me cookies instead of baking them. ERRrr.. What was that suppose to mean? She said that I have no standard to sell those cookies. And who will buy? AHHHH! So bad! She's mean. What a not sporting mum I got. SOB!
Met Alvin on sunday at boon keng mrt. We walked to his usually boarding bus stop. Walk half way, my left leg slipper broke. I am so panick at that moment. Never meet before this kind of circumstance. Alvin offered to accompany me home. But I insisted on accompany him wait for his bus. Haha. In the end, got to hop back home. People look at me as if I am from other planet. Zzz. Never see human hopping home with a broken slipper? haha.
My broken slipper. =(
Yesterday is OOP test. WHAHAHAHA. Guess my tester is gone case. I really didn't know how to do the tester class. I did one array and then... the rest listAll method.. I got no idea how to do. whahaha. It's okay. That is the past. wooo.. Went to Alvin's house yesterday for study but end up watching windstruck. So touching.. One year ago, I watched this movie with pc and her bf, now I re-watched it with Alvin. So strangely yet so memorable. Hmmm.. Accompany him ate dinner at macdonalds. Reached home at around 8pm. Was so tired and sleepy. Online awhile and can't take it anymore. Went to bed early yesterday. =)
DataBase test today is... "Easy"? That's what Mr chee said to park, "The paper is easy right?" EHhh.. Do u think so? Appendix A was damn difficult? I can't remember any term. Or should I say I didn't read through? whahaha. Anyhow wrote. Was hoping if I can get some mark to give me a pass. Appendix B was about commands. Hmmm.. Last minute study, all I can remember is just inner join. Hope my Appendix B will get me a pass. But then come to think of it, last minute study never work right. sweat.
Was raining just now. Got home and wash my leg immediately, was rushing out from my kitchen to change my clothes. But who knows. Humpty dumty had a great fall. I slip and fall. Hurt my backside. Didn't know whether should i laugh at myself or cry. Was shunned at that meJust now talk to my mum about the selling cookies stuff, got to use her oven to bake them. And guess her reaction? whahahaha. She said she will help me look out for apples. Prefer me to give apples rather than sell cookies. She even say she will sponsor me those 5000 apples! SWEAT! I was shocked. Wow. U're rich huh? dots. Nothing better to do? Then she says, she will buy me cookies instead of baking them. ERRrr.. What was that suppose to mean? She said that I have no standard to sell those cookies. And who will buy? AHHHH! So bad! She's mean. What a not sporting mum I got. SOB!
Friday, July 15, 2005
+Blah blah+
I am bored!
Can't study! Not in the mood to study. Die... I am so slack.. Everyday I will be going out. Oh myy.. I am going to fail my common tests. Sigh.
Not even a single module I have finish studying. Sigh. I need time to study! Whenever I reach home, I'll feel so tired. Wanted to study before I go to bed but alway end up sleeping with the book in my bed. What a slacker I am. Argh.
I need.
Can't study! Not in the mood to study. Die... I am so slack.. Everyday I will be going out. Oh myy.. I am going to fail my common tests. Sigh.
Not even a single module I have finish studying. Sigh. I need time to study! Whenever I reach home, I'll feel so tired. Wanted to study before I go to bed but alway end up sleeping with the book in my bed. What a slacker I am. Argh.
I need.
Monday, July 11, 2005
I am very tired today. Feel so lifeless. I am even more quiet after watching Initial D. I was wondering, what if one day you saw alvin and me hugging together, what will you do? Wonders. After watching Initial D I understand how you feel? Maybe I am selfish never thought of your feelings. Maybe you will be much more happier and feel much more better without me. I can't think anymore. I am just... So.. tired? I want to be alone. Away from everything. Running away.... To a far far place where nobody is. Yaaa.. I am okay after crying. So don't worry. Happy knowing you. =)
Nobody is right or wrong. It's the timing. Or maybe it's my fault. Maybe..
+It's hard to be strong+
Nobody is right or wrong. It's the timing. Or maybe it's my fault. Maybe..
+It's hard to be strong+
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Bad bad day to begin with. Sigh.
Went to school early in the morning for violin evaluation. Still need to practice a lot. Intonation is total out, timing not constant, etc... Got to do a lot of practice. Feel like freshies. After the evaluation, thought of practicing piano as I never practice for the whole week. Put my violin on the chair while I am practicing piano. A freshies just finished her evaluation, came out of the room, excitedly? Knock onto my violin, my violin DROPPED to the floor. ARGH! That point of time I really damn concern about my violin. She just walk away? never even say sorry! Damn her! Bloodly bitch?! Scatches on my violin and she broke my shoulder rest! ARGHH! Still never say sorry. Why am I alway the unlucky one? Just spend 40bucks on my bow and now.. Need to save money to buy shoulder rest again. Bad luck!
Meet eddie after piano lesson. He... Grow more man? Ya. More well build. Quite smart in his macdonald outfit. Was shocked to see him dress so formal. Hmm.. Treat me quite well. Then... The moment arrive. He saw my holding hand picture I took with Alvin. Yup. Alvin and me. His friend was mumming something. I looked at Eddie. He just doesn't know whether should he smile or not. Then.. Attitude changed. I...... My fault? Maybe. Didn't want to make him more upset. After they went to arcade, I went home alone. Yaa. Alvin was playing lan game with his friends. Well.. That moment really quite hurting? I thought a lot of things. Feeling so down. Feel tears dropping. Wipe it away, pretending nothing happened. You just don't understand how am I feeling. U're damn sad. What about me? It's hurting. I was waiting and waiting.. And Alvin came into my life too fast. You didn't even know what happened between us. Alvin. Get close to him is because something happened to steve. We wanted to cheer up steve, bought a card together. Then went to esplanade library with steve. Yup. As simple as that. Things just happened too fast. Before I can clearly think. The feeling when I am with him and when I am with you is totally different. What am I talking about! Just like what you said craps. Maybe. It's not totally your fault. It's mine too. It just play a trick upon us. Just like how it did to million thousands of people. Fallen for the wrong party. Sigh. I don't know what to do. Tell me what should I do.
It hurts to see uupset. Kill me.
Went to school early in the morning for violin evaluation. Still need to practice a lot. Intonation is total out, timing not constant, etc... Got to do a lot of practice. Feel like freshies. After the evaluation, thought of practicing piano as I never practice for the whole week. Put my violin on the chair while I am practicing piano. A freshies just finished her evaluation, came out of the room, excitedly? Knock onto my violin, my violin DROPPED to the floor. ARGH! That point of time I really damn concern about my violin. She just walk away? never even say sorry! Damn her! Bloodly bitch?! Scatches on my violin and she broke my shoulder rest! ARGHH! Still never say sorry. Why am I alway the unlucky one? Just spend 40bucks on my bow and now.. Need to save money to buy shoulder rest again. Bad luck!
Meet eddie after piano lesson. He... Grow more man? Ya. More well build. Quite smart in his macdonald outfit. Was shocked to see him dress so formal. Hmm.. Treat me quite well. Then... The moment arrive. He saw my holding hand picture I took with Alvin. Yup. Alvin and me. His friend was mumming something. I looked at Eddie. He just doesn't know whether should he smile or not. Then.. Attitude changed. I...... My fault? Maybe. Didn't want to make him more upset. After they went to arcade, I went home alone. Yaa. Alvin was playing lan game with his friends. Well.. That moment really quite hurting? I thought a lot of things. Feeling so down. Feel tears dropping. Wipe it away, pretending nothing happened. You just don't understand how am I feeling. U're damn sad. What about me? It's hurting. I was waiting and waiting.. And Alvin came into my life too fast. You didn't even know what happened between us. Alvin. Get close to him is because something happened to steve. We wanted to cheer up steve, bought a card together. Then went to esplanade library with steve. Yup. As simple as that. Things just happened too fast. Before I can clearly think. The feeling when I am with him and when I am with you is totally different. What am I talking about! Just like what you said craps. Maybe. It's not totally your fault. It's mine too. It just play a trick upon us. Just like how it did to million thousands of people. Fallen for the wrong party. Sigh. I don't know what to do. Tell me what should I do.
It hurts to see uupset. Kill me.
Monday, July 04, 2005
What a place to go to? Fort Canning Park. whahaha. He said which will be different. No long esplanade nor club house. Climbed so many stairs.. Reach the top, feeling breathless. Legs were wobble. And u know why we went there? To feed to hungry mosquitos. Dots. It's so itchy.... Damn irritating. But then we change place after that, because it's too many hungry mosquitos to feed. In the end, we walked to a windy place. Nice feeling. Windy and nice sky. Sit there and dream. hahaha. Didn't manage to hanky panky. =X Quite alot of people walking or jogging pass.. whahahaha. Talking about hanky panky is making me high again. hahaha! SHHhhhhhh...
+Thou feeling+
What a place to go to? Fort Canning Park. whahaha. He said which will be different. No long esplanade nor club house. Climbed so many stairs.. Reach the top, feeling breathless. Legs were wobble. And u know why we went there? To feed to hungry mosquitos. Dots. It's so itchy.... Damn irritating. But then we change place after that, because it's too many hungry mosquitos to feed. In the end, we walked to a windy place. Nice feeling. Windy and nice sky. Sit there and dream. hahaha. Didn't manage to hanky panky. =X Quite alot of people walking or jogging pass.. whahahaha. Talking about hanky panky is making me high again. hahaha! SHHhhhhhh...
+Thou feeling+
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