Met Alvin on sunday at boon keng mrt. We walked to his usually boarding bus stop. Walk half way, my left leg slipper broke. I am so panick at that moment. Never meet before this kind of circumstance. Alvin offered to accompany me home. But I insisted on accompany him wait for his bus. Haha. In the end, got to hop back home. People look at me as if I am from other planet. Zzz. Never see human hopping home with a broken slipper? haha.
My broken slipper. =(
Yesterday is OOP test. WHAHAHAHA. Guess my tester is gone case. I really didn't know how to do the tester class. I did one array and then... the rest listAll method.. I got no idea how to do. whahaha. It's okay. That is the past. wooo.. Went to Alvin's house yesterday for study but end up watching windstruck. So touching.. One year ago, I watched this movie with pc and her bf, now I re-watched it with Alvin. So strangely yet so memorable. Hmmm.. Accompany him ate dinner at macdonalds. Reached home at around 8pm. Was so tired and sleepy. Online awhile and can't take it anymore. Went to bed early yesterday. =)
DataBase test today is... "Easy"? That's what Mr chee said to park, "The paper is easy right?" EHhh.. Do u think so? Appendix A was damn difficult? I can't remember any term. Or should I say I didn't read through? whahaha. Anyhow wrote. Was hoping if I can get some mark to give me a pass. Appendix B was about commands. Hmmm.. Last minute study, all I can remember is just inner join. Hope my Appendix B will get me a pass. But then come to think of it, last minute study never work right. sweat.
Was raining just now. Got home and wash my leg immediately, was rushing out from my kitchen to change my clothes. But who knows. Humpty dumty had a great fall. I slip and fall. Hurt my backside. Didn't know whether should i laugh at myself or cry. Was shunned at that meJust now talk to my mum about the selling cookies stuff, got to use her oven to bake them. And guess her reaction? whahahaha. She said she will help me look out for apples. Prefer me to give apples rather than sell cookies. She even say she will sponsor me those 5000 apples! SWEAT! I was shocked. Wow. U're rich huh? dots. Nothing better to do? Then she says, she will buy me cookies instead of baking them. ERRrr.. What was that suppose to mean? She said that I have no standard to sell those cookies. And who will buy? AHHHH! So bad! She's mean. What a not sporting mum I got. SOB!
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