Sunday, December 31, 2006
Another year passed!
This morning went for exercise. I am so weak can't even finish everything.
Can I skip nafra?
But I saw something happened on my way jogging with my bro.
Crows were chasing after a bird and I think the crows were too hungry.
I go nearer, wanted to help the poor bird as it's trapped. But then, more crows flying over to the direction. In the end, I went on with my jogging.
My bro told me, mind ur own business.
Then I remember someone told me that this is just a nature cycle.
If u pass by a group of people hurting a small boy, will u help? or u will let them bully him?
Will it be a sin if you are just watch the show without helping? Or is it nature cycle?
Sometime, I really wonder..
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
So many undone things on my list!
First, I need to get gems so that I can mail out the items. And when will I have time to chinatown? BOO!
Second, I need to complete my IS (tourism) project by this week and we're having a group meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am. PUI. I doubt I will have time to buy my gem by this few day.
Third, I need to set aside the remaining days in this week for something else.
Totally packed! Siao lah.
When will I have time for sweetheart? :(
Merry Christmas everyone!
Went to David's house for celebration on Christmas Eve. Everything was great.
Got foods, log cake and nice music! We exchanged presents on 12am. LOL! This is the exciting part! David gave me a topshop white shirt and Sweetheart gave me a gaint pencil case! Really gaint! LOL. Not only that, it was from lacoste.. And after that, he took out a lacoste bag! LOL! Shufen's color. It was the Yellow color bag that we saw with pig, remember? LOL! I got that bag. =X Didn't expect sweetheart to give me something so expensive! Just because I bought u a jacket? =X Thanks sweetie! Love that bag. But got purple, it will be better. Haha! Hugs! Thanks david for organising the event. And Joc got the MOST presents. U all should know. HA! It's the thoughts that count. :))
From next week onwards, I will be very very busy. Need to rush for IS (tourism) project, write report and do powerpoint. HO! Busy sia. :(

<3 Sweetheart for everything X)
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Anyway, went to buy dav present just now. Don't know what to buy for him, so tough. In the end, bought something similar to joc one. LOL. Able to match leh. Wanted to get a T for sweetheart, but cannot find a nice T. And my feet hurt like siao, because I wore my red heels! HAHA! Finally.
Exciting exchange of presents coming up!
Christmas is coming in 1 day time! HOHOHO!
Merry christmas!
I hope pig doesn't go MIA.
I love dresses!

Friday, December 22, 2006
Raining days made us all stay indoor. BOO! The bbq is nice! Yummy!
Today Yum Cha is good! Delicious. I ate until I almost vomitted in Taka. I feel so sick then.
Town is packed with people. 65 is so crowded that I worried I can't get in.
Yum Yum! Lots of dim sum!

Shufen is trying to advertising for them! HOHO!

My fault. Sorry sweetheart.
This few day I am extremely busy. :(
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Went shopping with dav & joc.
Shop for someone instead of buying things for myself.
Only manage to get a sandal for myself.
I restrict myself from buying stuff, reason is simple.
Cause I got lots of items haven't arrive yet.
And I got lots of clothes, what I need will be bag, mary janes and shorts. For the time being.
Feel extreme broke now.
Hopefully sweetheart loves my pr......
Happy birthday to sweetheart! :)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
I am so glad that common tests ended!
Thought that I could went to town to shop! But in the end, we went to eat kfc.
Holly sh*t!
Who knows I accidentally knock the cup of drink over and the drinks spill into my top and pants! Why so lucky? So clumsy!
In the end have to wash my top in kfc and change into my sweater.
And I am all black.
Today will be the last day of exam!
And I am already slacking, giving up hope.
I totally hate the no week break before exam!
I got no time to study and in the end, my PI sux big time.
TNS at least not so bad, able to finish on time, just that the 4Ps & some question 1 answers or maybe other question answers might be wrong. The 4Ps is how many points ah? 12 marks?! Or what?! Hopefully I can get a better grade! BOO!
I am so addicted into online shopping that until this late hour, I am still up! And I haven't even touch my scm notes at all! DIE!
I love bags and I believe u all love them too! Please buy some for me, my faux leather bag is torn and ugly now.

Or maybe some rich lady looking bag..

HOHO! But just a normal bag will do, like this!

Maybe I should start selling bags too!
Sweetheart birthday is coming!
Everyone wish him happy birthday!
Kin kin..
Monday, December 11, 2006
PI is just totally like writing essay!
I didn't have enough time to do as I spend most time on question 1 and 2. I didn't even know what question 2 is talking about. DAMN!
I manage to scribble through question 3 but question 4 &5 good game liao! Total 40marks gone GONE! Pig, I can really go to a corner and cry first.
I should bring my watch next time.
I dislike PI.
I need to study. TNS might be a killer too.
I still heart u sweetheart. <3
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Let me feel your embrace
Let me see in your eyes
That you won't say goodbye
Just tell me how you feel
I don't know what you're thinking anymore
And if you need me, you'd kiss me
Then tell me how you feel
And if you want me, you'd show me
That your love is for real
And if you love me
You'd hold me in your arms where I belong
So while I'm feeling strong
I sing you one last song
Let me ask time has passed
Do you feel this could last
If you don't, why then stay
Take your wings, fly away
I love you way too much
To wanna be the one who brings you down
And if you need me, you'd kiss me
Then tell me how you feel
And if you want me, you'd show me
That your love is for real
And if you love me
You'd hold me in your arms where I belong
So while I'm feeling strong
I sing you one last song
One last song I sing for you
Like I always did
This time it's for real
I never come to you like this
Expecting you to turn my kiss
Oh no no no no no
And if you need me, you'd kiss me
Then tell me how you feel
And if you want me, you'd show me
That your love is for real
And if you love me
You'd hold me in your arms where I belong
So while I'm feeling strong
I sing you one last song
Oh yeah
I sing you one last song
PI so tough. I don't even know how to answer the differences between Marx and Ralws!
Some more I got no common sense?
I need to study! DIE.
Haven't even start on scm and tns! But at least all this make sense?
PI is just plain boring!
Sweetheart get well soon!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
I asked her whether can I change the timing for next saturday lesson, like maybe 10-11am/ 9-10am, any time before 11am. She said can't. WTF. Other people can change why can't I?! I remember there is this student who want to exchange time slot with me and I agree. It was 1-2pm. So why can't I change my next sat time slot?! It's only 1 time! Bloody hell! I am going to ask the staff later to check whether can I change my time slot or not. Hate this kind of trouble.
It's alway my working and piano lesson crash. ARGGG.
I told my mum about it, she said u better don't work.
Anyway scm is killing me. I just start question 3.
I am angry man.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
I am back from my piano lesson!
The presentation didn't went quite well as I screwed up the individual performance. Each of us is to memorize a piece and play during the GIL (Group interactive lesson). I did memorized the piece! The problem with me is, I can't recall what are the starting notes of the piece as I am a nervous freak and suffering from stm. The more I heard other people pieces, the more I forgot the tune of my piece. Damn! I need to repeat the beginning notes a few times before getting the correct tune and first line bars notes. So embarrassing!
And after playing the piece, I wasn't feeling cold/ nervous anymore! I guess I need counseling on 'How to deal with nervousness?' BOOO!
I am extremely broke now. Have been spending like hell for the past few weeks. Buying tops and tops and tops.
I have not yet receive my items:

-A nice guy top
-A purple wallet
Isn't this dress cute? But I don't think I will ever wear if I get it. So no point of wasting moolah on cutie!

I need to work!
Has anybody starts scm? Cos I don't know how to start!
Oh ya.. I also need a pet. I heart squirrel!
1 for me?

Here is a link for shopperholic! I just discover this today! *observe the hands. =X
US Chic clothing
It's so meaningful.
Friends don't hold grudge against each other.
Happy friendship day!
I love the sunny morning!
It's sunny and a good day for swimming.
It feels good to update my site, even though I have lousy camera.
Somebody thought of the same necklace design as me!
Hopefully I can have a smooth presentation later.
I love rabbits.
I am sick of feeling sad.
I heart happy.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
This never happen to me before
I met you and
Now I sure
This never happen before
Now I see
This is the way it suppose to be
I met you and
Now I see
This is the way it should be
This is the way it should be for lovers
They shouldn't going alone
It's not so good when you on your own
So come to me
Now we can be what we want to be
I love you and
Now I see
This is the way it should be
This is the way it should be
This is the way it should be for lover
They shouldn't going alone
It's not so good when you on your own
I very sure
This never happen to me beofre
I met you and
Now I sure
This never happen before
This never happen before
This never happen before..
Extracted from The Lake House
I love the movie! It's so romantic.
I need to learn how to give advice.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Very tired!
So many undone thing on my list!
Need camera to take pictures.
Need more time to practice piano, as I need to memorize a piece by this Saturday!
Need to practice more so that next saturday I will be able to at least perform well.
Need to do presentation on friday!
Need to meet up secondary school buddy!
Need to meet up amelia to pass her moolah!
I am so tired and packed!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
My memory is failing me!
To think that the worst can happen to me before exam was, I forgot the bring my exam identification paper!
I have to call my mum and tell her to bring the exam identification paper down to starhub centre.
Luckily the taxi was fast enough! My dad arrived in about 15mins.
And during the exam, I was sneezing all the way, feeling so cold!
I feel good after the exam as most question I am able to answer except for few question I am not sure of.
Then I began to feel sick.
Feeling cold even when I am hiding in my blanket.
In the late night, I am feeling very hot and stuffy.
I am so worry that I may not be able to eat lunch buffet with my family today.
Luckily, I recovered from fever but still with slight sore throat and coughing.
This lunch buffet is so call a family gathering as my dad is going to america to work next saturday.
I'm going to miss my dad.
Still remember when i was young, my dad used to go malaysia and work for months. Then on the day when he's leaving, I will be so sad and cry.
Now I am feeling sad.
Anyway we have lunch buffet at furama hotel.
Quite expensive and not much variety.
Today during the theory class, we discuss the some of the answers and I missed:
adding phrasing for question 1
Not only that, I also didn't wrote my answers for some of the question correctly.
DAMN. Probably I might pass, but not with good result. :(
I want at least merit!
One good thing is that I am promoted! HO!
Diploma here I come!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
In need of.
YES. Badly.
Insufficient charms and moolah, different place to rush to.
I don't like public holiday! ROAR!
Public holiday = most charms shop not open = delay in mailing = bad service = less customers = low income = eat bread & drink plain water = no oversea study = no future.
Anyone knows where is FTC Training Centre or starhub centre? It's located at Cuppage road. But I got no idea where is that building or centre.
I haven't start study for my theory. And I just got a pass for my internal theory.
Dinner with sweetheart, joc and sista is good! WOOHOO!
They're so lame. I feel cold. LOL! Poor sweetheart, hugs! Will treat u once I got my pay okay?
I beginning to love pork ribs liao. In fact all pork ribs taste the same leh! Just maybe the sauce is different? But most of the sauce are sweet and spicy type? HA!
Tomorrow lunch is FOC. LOL!
Something to be happy of.
Monday, October 23, 2006
I believe that everyone had saw the green traffic police man before! It's near the center of the shopping mall! He was dancing and pointing the direction of some shop! HA! Then I was wondering, how much is he pay to do this? If someone will to pay $10 per hour for me to do such an act, I will do it! Anyway, I will be wearing hermet, sunglasses and green uniform! Nobody will even recognise me! They said a picture is worth a thousand words. So let the picture prove it!
It's the vivo traffic police!

The fishalls pose! LOL! It looks like drum sticks! I am a drumer! HO!

U can see the haze is coming back! It's a bit blur in the background! There are actually giraffe(s) and sweetheart told me that when night time comes, the eyes of giraffe will light up! So cute! I love giraffe!

Sweetheart needs some medic! Give him some of ur love!

I love this keychain! Can someone get that for me? It's so C-U-T-E! For just $3, u can brighten up someone day! :)

HEH! Money or life?! =X He was still smiling when there is a knife pointing at him!

The witch that carried an axe! LOL! I have fun taking pictures with lots of costume!

Okay, that's all for yesterday outing. I am tired! Treat me good food can? I am super duper poor! =/
Today TNS lesson is kinda stupid. Whatever we said, the teacher sure have things to question us about! ROAR! If he's so smart, why not he give us some idea?!
I love plums.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Sunny day
Saturday is a bad haze day.
Have the indonesians gone mad?
Burn and burn and burn. It will benefit them but it doesn't benefit us at all! And they expect us to help them clear the haze? Weirdos.
There is an GIP coming soon, got to memorise 1 piece. *shocked.
I managed to meet up with my dearest npstrings mates by going to the family concert. Pei pei and min min. HO! Passed them the necklaces. Pei pei is quite pretty now leh, still say she grows fat! Crazy. Carried the same leather bag as mine, just that urs is black and mine is brown! I love ur jeans alot! ROAR!
Oh ya.. It was alvin birthday yesterday. Saw him performed, not bad, seems to improve. HA! But didn't talk to him at all. Think he's busy with his stuff, saw him running back stage or carrying chairs? No idea. I was busy talking to pei pei. So many people that I never see before or can't even remember their names. STM getting worst.
I missed 3 buses yesterday. BOO! I think I am turning into a 4 eyes frog soon or is the haze really so bad that I can't see the buses? I felt so depressed for the first time waiting for bus.
Sunday weather is the same, just that the haze might not be that bad as yesterday.
Got back my theory Q1, 2 and 3 result. BOO! Bad sia. How am I going to do well for my thoery exam on 28th of Oct! DIE DIE!
After that, went to orchard to get mattress protector for my mum, but in the end, I went around shopping. Oh man. I think I am used to shop alone. LOL! Managed to get a pair of jeans and a polo T for sweetheart. Went to visit him at night. He loves the polo T. =X So poor thing.
<3 <3 <3
I feel so tired after school. I want lots of moolah! Tell me how to improve on my design! I need feedback! :)
Cheer up mel!
U know I do <3>
Friday, October 13, 2006
Met up with amelia today! Got the gold mirror! WOOHOO! Shufen, lunch on u! LOL. Manage to bargain with her the price till $6. Is that half price? I am not sure leh.
She passed me the pink floral top! I love it! Totally love it! Hugss!

Oh yaa.. I saw many nice top and dresses at far east today! Targeting a bag. :) Spare me moolah to buy can?
I want to sell away all the tops/ dress I never wear before! ROAR. Just clear up part of my wardrobe, so many T-shirt that I only worn once. Like the Ngee Ann free T-shirt or some event T-shirt. No wonder my wardrobe is alway in a mess. Can't wait for school reopen! New clothes! WHAHAHAHA I got so many tops now. Need new jeans. Will wish to have it in brown/blue/white. Saw a white jeans today! Love it alot! Saving more moolah to buy bottoms and the bag!
I need to learn how to save money. >.<
Oh ya.. Lets take a look at Nicole Richie style.
she's so skinny!

Her dress style:

People said that she got bad dress taste. Her dresses look like those granny dresses! But I find that the last pic, dark color dress quite nice! LOL. I want height!
I am bored. =/
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I am quite tired and sick of shopping! But today, I really enjoyed my shopping, as I don't have to pay to shop! HA!
Went to JB with F2 and park, june cannot make it as her wisdom tooth is killing her. Bad tooth! Now I can help her finish all her candies! MUAHAHAHA! =X
It's our first time going oversea for sweeties! They will excited about it. The moment we went into JB, we ate hongkong food! I ate the Steak bake rice, not baddd! But the price quite expensive leh, like no different from singapore except that it's in a restuarant.

Then off to shopping at City Square! The things there are not really cheap. It's about the same price in singapore, just that u can't find some clothes in singapore. Bought a top from padini, there is a 10% discount now, convert to SGD, it's about $23. WOOHOO! Not bad not bad.
Then bought a top for sweetheart too! It's so COOL. I love my taste! HAHAHA!
Everyone gotten themselves at least a top! :) Shufen have the unique cardigan? Joc got a stripe top and park got a brown top! Not bad also!
It's a long and tired day. Jusco is a new shopping center, it's our last stop. It's full of local shop like Topshop/Topman, Guess and lots more! Lazy to name them.
I am so tired.
Went Kuishinbo with shufen and park! Its lunch buffet! We're eating like crazy. I love tempuras and soft shell crabs! YUM YUM! Desserts were niceeee! Many variety! So delicious! Heavenly heaven!

Have more pictures but lazy to upload, I believe shufen have uploaded almost all the pictures! LOL! Go view from there! Good foods are never enough, especially the Kaminabe! =X
Went shopping again after that. LOL! This time, we shopped from suntec to marina sq then to orchard. HAA!
Bought a roxy light green cardigan. So special and costly. I am so broke! And found a bag for sweetheart! Definitely he will like it! WOO! It's better than the nike shiny bag! Match it with formal wear or casual, wear it in ur style!
I spent a little too much.
Today/ Wednesday:
I have a great time shopping today with sweetheart!
Basically, I am tax free & money free! =X
All on sweetheart! Heee!
He loves the bag, top and a lantern festival pig mooncake type!
WOOHOO! That's why he brought me to shop in return! HAHAHA!
I shall shop for u more so that I can get more in return! =XXX JK!
We went to meet up with amelia first, got from her those jelly shoes and the gingerbread earrings! The shoes are very comfy! And the earrings are cuteeeee!
Oh my goshh! She wanted to give them to me for free! But I feel paiseh. LOL. Gave her money in the end. HA!
Then we proceed to citylink to shop. Can't really find anything there. BOO!
Went to raffles shopping center, found a top! It's H-A-P-P-Y. :)
Lets meet happy!

HO! Went to try the soup kitchen at the basement. We tried the clam chowder, it was quite creamy and thick. The bread is special, it's white in color! Whole white! I mean normally, they will serve french toast with the brown crispy skin, but they serve white french toast bread that's not crispy! It's interesting. LOL. I think I kinda like the bread! HO!
After that walk to bugis. Exercise is good for sweetheart. He really ate so little, very unlike him!
Wanted to go to bugis village to find back the green floral top that Amelia and I got attracted to it! But decided to go icon to have a look look. In case I find anything there. HOHO!
And who knows, I wanted to find a dress. But I found a nice skirt there. My first item bought in Icon. It might replace the FCUK skirt (that costs $179). :) It's light pink in color with butterfly prints on it, it's from hongkong as the girl said. Oh yaa! The girl selling this is a thai, at first sweetheart and I thought that she's indonesian as her accent plus she is not familiar speaking chinese. She's friendly. She keep on saying I look nice in the skirt. LOL. There are 2 colors for this skirt, white or pink, the white color one is also not bad! But white color easy to get dirty. So I decided to choose this one. HA! The thai girl also mention that I still can grow taller! X)
Fcuk replacement..

Wanted to go bugis village to shop for dress.. But then.. On the 3rd level or 2nd level, we found a shop with this cotton dress! It's available in purple/grey or light green/ black color! Can't believe my luck! I love purple!
And of course I will try it on. I really love it! Its love at first sight. LALA! It's not those bubble dress, Just that the sleeves are a bit puffy, it's comfy to wear and u can tie a bow behind the dress! Most importantly, I don't look that thin in the dress! :)
Meet my purple !

Lastly, we went to boon keng to eat KFC. Time to pamper sweetheart a bit after one whole day of shopping! WOOOO! He's on diet. =X
I love the shopping trip! ♥
Hug sweetheart! ♥
Hugs sweeties! ♥
Friday, October 06, 2006
So many things to that I want to talk about.
Mainly about work.
I just realize that the auntie from King Kong is Guo Mei Mei's mother. In case u don't know who is Guo Mei Mei, listen to the famous cockroach song. =X
Guo Mei Mei is now in china promoting her album or building her reputation.
I was shocked when I know that. HA! Never under estimate aunties. And I realised that alot of aunties are proud of their children. HO!
Then today an indian customer purchase some stuff from me. I was speaking to him in english all the way and when his friend came, the friend spoke to the indian in chinese. I was shocked again.
Then I asking his friend how come he knows chinese, is he purely indian or mixed? Then his friend replied, because he(indian) got business in china. WOW! So COOL. Indian doing business in china. Isn't that interesting? I think i am too KPO. =X Asking customer this kind of thing. LOL! But I really find this interesting. Different kind of customers.. Different kind of aunites.. HA!
But too bad, today is my last day at Tampines Isetan, tomorrow I will be going back to Katong Isetan to work!
Ehh.. Although the bedlinen promoters there are not bad, but I don't like the atmosphere there. =X
Anyway I will be working until saturday! I will be freeeeeeeee! To sell all my charmss!
Hoorayyy! I definitely need family bonding. I miss my mum's cooking!
Cheers to work.
Cheers to sweetheart.
Cheers to buddies.
Cheers to family.
Cheers to moolah.
Cheers to linnyberry.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
I am starvingg! I had chicken rice for dinner and I am so hungry!
Do I really have worms in my stomach? O.O
Ohh.. Recently, I find that working in Tampines is quite fun compare to Katong. The staffs here are more friendly and mostly are chinese! Did I mention this before? STM is acting up again.
I want to sell most my charms away now! Once I receive them, clearance! But it takes age to receive them! SOB.
Earn back all my moolah and go off for a holiday. And die, I still haven't go through my thoery. And my teacher said that I didn't put in enough effort, I could have fail in the exam if I continue this kind of mistake! DIEEEE!
It's so tough!
I love foxs. I love the rainbow demin skirt and the demin short. I want to buy both!
SHHHhh.. Later somebody say I waste money again. =X

Ain't they cute? I want them! WOOHOO! It's a pocket mirror. ;)
Love linnyberry
Sunday, October 01, 2006
So yesterday
Wondering what went wrong
Why love had gone
And left me lonely
I, I was so confused
Feeling like I'd just been used
Then you came to me
And my loneliness left me
I use to think I was tied to a heartache
That was the heartbreak
But now that I've found you
Even the nights are better
Now that we're here together
Even the nights are better
Since I found you
Even the days are brighter
When someone you loves beside you
Even the nights are better
Since I found you
You, you knew just what to do
Cause you had been lonely too
And you showed me how to ease the pain
And you did more than mend a broken heart
Cause now you've made a fire start
And I, I can see that you feel the same way
I never dream there will be someone there to hold me
Until you told me
And now that I found you
Even the nights are better
Since I found you

I had flower maki, curry and traditional sweets yesterday! TOOHOO!
I bought a brown top! Sweetheart pay half.
He said I look like indian in the brown top.
And he loves indian. =X
I was very tired yesterday.
And I woke up being sleepy, I went back to sleep again. =/
The stage is mine! :) Charms arriving soon! By next week! WHAHAHAHA!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Today sales were good after auntie left! LOL.
Got a beng buy almost 500bucks from me! WHAHAHAHA!
I feel so good at serving him.
But then I think I lost a memo. Because this two ladies wanted to buy the quilt cover set ($119.20) and there was a couple, some more I was serving the couple. Then I just write the memo and quickly pass it to the ladies. And after that, I went to look around for it, I couldn't find the memo! ROAR! Where the hell did they pay for it?!
But sweetheart came to find me. LOL! And he bought surprises for me!
So sweettt..
Oh ya.. Sweetheart passed his BTT. LOL! That's so gooodddd!
There is this buyer from linnyberry mailed me a post card! I am so excited! WOOHOOOO!
I feel a sense of achievement! Hugs!
BOO! IS sux. Made us all headache.
I am interested in the green top from Foxs.
When is my amelia going to go thailand and buy me dresses back? HO!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Auntie Mary treat me home cook food on the second day! Yum yum!
I love it. Just that again, there is a hair in the soup. =X
Let the picture tell u more!

But I don't like the working time. Today, I will be working from 7.30pm to 10pm. Just because the part time auntie got something to attend. And she only work 4hours per day from monday to sat. Sunday OFF. Can I have SAT OFF? =/
But only 2 more weeks! And I will be freeeee! WHAHAHAHA.
Gosh.. I need to do my theory now.
Oh ya.. Linnyberry updated some sweet necklaces for u. =X
Friday, September 15, 2006
I hate my attachment. I hate the result. :'(
I can't even get a B. Bastard.
I am so depressed. Just like the weather today.
I want my B.
Emotion affects my sale. I wasn't feeling really well. The rain drenched my whole pants that when I met up with amelia, I keep on pulling my pants. My shoes were wet both inside and outside, my feet were cold, and the feeling was really bad. I had to stand for hours with wet shoes.
Some things that brighten up my day:
i) Amelia brought me to charm shop! Hooray! I find some retro stuff! WHAHAHHA!
ii) Amelia gave me lip gloss for free? I feel weird. She's hinting me. =X
iii) Les partner came to find me. Heh! Even through u're late, but really appreciate that. Watched pre-midnight movie, John Tucker Must Die. Comedy, but the actress inside is pretty and cute. :)
That's how I spent my sad friday night. Join the sadist gang now if u got poor result. :(
I'un Amour
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My new GG5 top. WHAHAHA! Add to my GG5 Collection. x)
I need more moolah.. Please be kind.. :)
My sale was not good yesterday. WORST sale day that I ever had, imagine I got 100bucks for the whole day!
Today new auntie came.. Now then I cherish the auntie jenny! When will u be back?! TT. The new auntie so depending on me. Auntie jenny never even treat me so well when I came to work. She told me to write everything on a paper so that she won't forget. =.= She can't write herself ah! And I don't know why she put all her belonging in our counter! WHY will somebody ever be so clumsy to put them upstair?! And she called me when I am on my way going home. I thought got some customer want to purchase our things. And who knows, she told me she can't find her wallet! WTH. *faint. Just now called her to ask her how things are, she never pick up her phone. =/ People keep on back stabbing each other. Ever since this J*an P*rry guy came. I don't like it. What's going on?!
I want sales!
I feel helpless.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
I am so tired.. Today I managed to make some sale.. At least not that bad.. HA!
Auntie said that there is a newcomer from cavelli and he's good at stealing sales. COOL! I want to see and learn too! =X
I want good sales!
Auntie said that for newcomer, we have to wait for 2 weeks later then can start having the commission! Shufen, did ur aunt tell u that?
And a jealous cat left a comment in my webby saying that I got no creativity or something like that? huh! Was wondering who is that childish person. I got more creativity than HER or HIM. Definitely. A2 art student okay! =X
MUAHAHA! I have few more design to post online.. But no time to upload. =/
Anyway, went to newton and eat again. HA! This time more sand in the lala. BOO!
But nevertheless, it's enjoyable with sweetheart.
Should I post some pictures? Like the way..

Delighting u always ;)
Friday, September 08, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
GG aunties!
I can't understand aunties! Really can't. Being a woman myself, isn't it weird that I can't figure out why some aunties just being so nosy. I got 5 reason to dislike aunties -
i) They're being nosy.
ii) They just don't understand teenager/part timer.
iii) They are sexist.
iv) They only know how to lick the superior boots.
v) They're scary.
Any job to recommend me? Anyone?
I bought a GG5 top today! WHHAHAHA! I am happy about it until she told me,
J: Wah.. U very rich hor. Buy so many things *unhappy tone
Me: No lah. *unhappy too
Hello! Since when I got buy SO MANY THINGS? Get ur fact right before u mention that. I ONLY bought 1 top.
I am not happy for now.
Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come. The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Today sweetheart come and visit me. For the last 30mins? I think so. But happy lah. :)
Sales are quite okay today! Supposingly to have more than 600bucks? But at least I sell quite a lot pillows! HA! Buy bedsheet from me leh. =X
Ehh.. I don't really like wear black top. Too skinny for that. I want new tops! =X
I miss the mango top! =X
Ehh.. New charms are on the way! WHEE! I love the biscuit charm! WHAHAHAHA
Which jacket should I choose?
White or blue?

For u and me