I am starvingg! I had chicken rice for dinner and I am so hungry!
Do I really have worms in my stomach? O.O
Ohh.. Recently, I find that working in Tampines is quite fun compare to Katong. The staffs here are more friendly and mostly are chinese! Did I mention this before? STM is acting up again.
I want to sell most my charms away now! Once I receive them, clearance! But it takes age to receive them! SOB.
Earn back all my moolah and go off for a holiday. And die, I still haven't go through my thoery. And my teacher said that I didn't put in enough effort, I could have fail in the exam if I continue this kind of mistake! DIEEEE!
It's so tough!
I love foxs. I love the rainbow demin skirt and the demin short. I want to buy both!
SHHHhh.. Later somebody say I waste money again. =X

Ain't they cute? I want them! WOOHOO! It's a pocket mirror. ;)
Love linnyberry
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