This is not the first time I am complaining about my salary.
I really feel like scolding all the vulgarities that I know.
It has been months since I started my attachment in the gov company.
And guess what? While all the rest of my working friends had already gotten their 2nd month salary, I DID NOT even get my 1st month salary.
This is making me feeling frustrated.
I will definitely slam the door, punch the bean bag, smash the glass panel and etc.
By right, our first month salary SHOULD be credited into our account by 25th of april. And hell, today is already 29th of april. Look here, I said 1st month. Let alone say my 2nd month salary.
Blardy hell. I am really fed up with excuses.
I want my salary.
The bill is coming. And I totally got no money to pay for anything.
Good luck linn.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Wong Ai Lin -- [adjective]: Extremely extreme! 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
LOL! Extremely extreme! Am I?
Extreme : Tremendous, great, severe, intense, acute, excessive or farthest.
I feel bored again. =/
Lets try the name Linn.
linn -- [noun]: A beat poet working the streets 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
LOL. Beat poet? Sound so pathetic and sound like I am a pauper. I am NOT. Maybe that's the reason I have been whining about money. But the fact is I haven't get my pay! When will it be deposited into my account? Boo!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Lesson of life values.
My piano teacher taught me quite a number of life thoery today.
People should learn to appreciate arts.
Arts can be in many forms. Music, drawing and poetry etc.
Those people who doesn't like arts = no value in life = no life
In arts, you get to learn why some artists love to draw picture in certain way. What are they trying to tell us? What does their painting depicts? A picture of their life? Or a picture that shows other people life?
Invisible things make visible things.
I remembered this sentence she said.
The needs of human. Example: thirst.
The feeling of thirsty is invisble. That's why human invented cups to contain water. Cups = visible. This is how invisble things make visble things.
That's why they have drama plays. Sometime we see ourselves in the character and met the same situation. But, will we ever do the same as them to solve the problem or is we will choose other alternative? A better way? Why is it better? Often we are not satisfy with our needs. We tend to get influence by people around us. We love comparison. Comparison become part of us that whenever we saw others have something that we don't have and we compared. He can afford, so why can't I? This is how human become materialistic. The society we lived in. Children grow up in the fast pace society. How parents affect their children mindset. Parents comparing which school their children got into. Children comparing how much their parents earned. This is how comparison begins. This is how high society look down on the average people? Perhaps that apply for certain people. You dress with gucci clothings, doesn't means that people around you must dress the same in order to be your friend. If everyone dress the same, think the same as you, then there won't be any interesting things happening. You can afford this doesn't means that people around you could afford too. Never look down on people, because one day, you might not know you might end up in their shoes. Even though no matter how demanding the society is, we need to have our own standard, our own expectation. And that doesn't means that once we become rich or highly respected, we can look down on others. This is not contradicting, or am I?
Life can appear to be simple. But what's beneath it, you may never know. You can see some couples appear to be happy when others are around. Yet beneath the relation, they may have quarrels and disagreements with each other. Ha..
The values of life. There are still lots of things for me to explore.
I learnt alot of things from my secondary school friends I met up with today. Their life, their family and their friends. My life, my family and my friends. :)
Life is great.
My piano teacher taught me quite a number of life thoery today.
People should learn to appreciate arts.
Arts can be in many forms. Music, drawing and poetry etc.
Those people who doesn't like arts = no value in life = no life
In arts, you get to learn why some artists love to draw picture in certain way. What are they trying to tell us? What does their painting depicts? A picture of their life? Or a picture that shows other people life?
Invisible things make visible things.
I remembered this sentence she said.
The needs of human. Example: thirst.
The feeling of thirsty is invisble. That's why human invented cups to contain water. Cups = visible. This is how invisble things make visble things.
That's why they have drama plays. Sometime we see ourselves in the character and met the same situation. But, will we ever do the same as them to solve the problem or is we will choose other alternative? A better way? Why is it better? Often we are not satisfy with our needs. We tend to get influence by people around us. We love comparison. Comparison become part of us that whenever we saw others have something that we don't have and we compared. He can afford, so why can't I? This is how human become materialistic. The society we lived in. Children grow up in the fast pace society. How parents affect their children mindset. Parents comparing which school their children got into. Children comparing how much their parents earned. This is how comparison begins. This is how high society look down on the average people? Perhaps that apply for certain people. You dress with gucci clothings, doesn't means that people around you must dress the same in order to be your friend. If everyone dress the same, think the same as you, then there won't be any interesting things happening. You can afford this doesn't means that people around you could afford too. Never look down on people, because one day, you might not know you might end up in their shoes. Even though no matter how demanding the society is, we need to have our own standard, our own expectation. And that doesn't means that once we become rich or highly respected, we can look down on others. This is not contradicting, or am I?
Life can appear to be simple. But what's beneath it, you may never know. You can see some couples appear to be happy when others are around. Yet beneath the relation, they may have quarrels and disagreements with each other. Ha..
The values of life. There are still lots of things for me to explore.
I learnt alot of things from my secondary school friends I met up with today. Their life, their family and their friends. My life, my family and my friends. :)
Life is great.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
My Birthday! Went out with family to 'The French Stall' located at Sturdee Rd North somewhere near upper serangoon. As it was our first time eating there, we're not sure of what are the restuarant best dish. So I ordered steamed dory filet with mixed vegetable and mussel and my family ordered 3-course set meals(soup of the day, main course and dessert). We ate until we felt our stomach is going to explode anytime. The bus ride home was scary. As they are many people crowded at the exit, my mum and bro were having difficulty getting down the bus. As I know, adults normally were afraid of the double charge of bus fare, so they will be conscious of tapping their e-zine card on the machine before alighting, so my mum was one of those adults, she tapped my bro and her e-zine card and when they are alighting, the bus moved out of a sudden. Gosh. And the exit is not closed at all. Bloody driver. Luckily nothing happened to them.
Introducing the dory filet.

I was late for my work today.
This is the latest timing that I was late so far. I left the house late. To most of the people, when they know that they are going to be late for work, they will choose to hire a cab. But for me is different. I guess so. I was cheapo. I don't want to waste money on cab when I didn't even get my previous month pay after working for about 2 months. And I have other money problem to worry about. So I thought to myself, since I was late, it will be the matter of late and later. late will be I hire a cab, reached my company and give excuse of being late. But definitely not late for 30mins. Later will be.. Wait for the bus that is taking its 'own sweet time' to come. Reached the company, seeing people start work at their desk and I have to sneak into the company after feeling so embarrassed being late. But either both choice, I will also be late. So I chose the 'later' choice. I want to save cab fare. Sigh. Therefore, half an hour pay will be gone.. And we have about 2bucks for 1hour? So half an hour late, means.. 2bucks/2 = 1buck left. LOL. Good game.
When to attend internal meeting in the noon. We're helpers for the meeting, our job is to pass mic to people who intend to ask questions, give out presentation document and etc.
I want to shop. Very in need of shopping. Deprived shopping-hood. I want GG5 clothes. Nice office lady wear. I want nice pants. 3/4 white pants with nice top. I want a rich boyfriend, good looking, love me more than I love him, etc. LOL. The man of many women's dream. Be it black, white or other race. I am not racist. And I don't mind. No offence. =X
Went out with xx. Bought a shirt from flesh imp. It was on the 50% category. But that's not the reason why I bought it okay. I am not so cheapo. Reason simple, because I only eyed that shirt. I am going to save 55bucks to get that 'Skinny Bitch' or maybe 'Don't hate me because I'm skinny' shirt at Queen Couture. whahaha! It was so interesting. Imagine I wear it out, people will be staring at me. Giving me face, giving me attitude. Just because I AM SKINNY and PRETTY in the fact. whahahahaaa! =X just kidding. First time eating yoshinoya, tried the sliced beef with rice. It was nice. Really.
Pretty me. Without my face. LOL.

My stm is getting worst. Now when I am feeling tired, I can't even think of what I did 1hour ago. Not only deprived of shopping, I am deprived of sleeping.
Today, feeling restless and tired. Of course, I was hoping for some work to keep me awake. But there seems to be nothing to do, I got no microsoft office access which means I can't continue on my web forms. I am feeling sleepy now..
Let me see.. If I manage to get my previous month salary, I will be able to carry out plans. Hopefully it's calculated by monthly and not daily/weekly? So if it's by daily/weekly, I think I will get about 381bucks. Gosh. That's LESS. Sigh. Life is miserable. Then 100bucks to parents, I will be left with 381-100=281bucks. I need to pay for my phone bill and save some for my next month bill, 281-120-50=111bucks. I got to treat T11 ice cream.. 111-(10x8) = 31bucks. Freakk. 31bucks for? Can't even shop. Can't even buy my skinny bitch shirt. F5. Maybe I will just take that stack of 50dollars notes from park and use. Can I? Will I be able to use successfully? Will I not end up in jail? Will I will I? =X
But.. I think too fast. Things normally don't go well for me. What if.. What if I didn't have my pay credit into my account? *faint. Then all the above things I had mentioned will be.. Going down the drain. Then I will be bring lunch box to work everyday, wake up early for work so that I won't be late, go home straight after work everyday and weekend will be staying at home and stone. No more good food, no more shopping spee, no more ice cream, no more outing. My life will be deprived from being free labour. I will be loitering around the neighbourhood during weekend, see if I managed to find anything worth of money, then I will be taking extra job, earning extra money, working myself like a cow. My life.. will be ruined. I will be Haggard and ugly, with dark eye rings, yellow and dehydrated skin. Ahhhhh.. I better pray hard that I will be able to get my pay by tomorrow. I am in need of my pay.
Today Lunch is free. Weee! As we helped out during the meeting, the organiser decided to treat us lunch at kallang. It's a malay food outlet. He ordered about 5 delicious dishes. There is fish, sumba chicken, curry vegetable, non spicy vegetable and fried eggs. Yum yum. Enjoyed eating there. Thank you for the lunch! =)
I checked my bank account during lunch. The company haven't even pay me my first month salary! Hell. We need money to survive. And that means.. All my plans will be ... Washed away into the drain. Money money. My partner said I am quite money minded. Hello. I am not as rich as him, he got parents to help him pay for this and that, I pay everything by myself. Maybe that's the reason he looks down on poor people. As if I care. He mentioned something interesting today. He put on make up and lip gloss when taking neoprints. LOL. Erm.. So gay? =X I was shocked when I heard that.
My partner = E
E: If I put on make up when taking neoprints, people will say I look like korean.
Me: Make up... ?
E: Ya. Cos most korean actor have fair skin and very red lips.
Me: ....
Do you really think you look like any korean actor or are u 'acting' to be like an actor? Dots. No comment. Maybe lots of guy love to beauty themselves too much.
When out with darling and wan jun today. Met them at city hall and.. Both of them are standing at the same area yet they didn't notice each other. So funny. We went to marina sq to eat. Wanted to try the Japanese ice cream. Is that a Jap or Korean restaurant? But wan jun cannot eat plus I haven't get pay. So we dropped the idea. We ate Long John silver instead. Cheap and filling. whahaha. Cheapo. I am getting more and more calculative. Because pay is little, and I spend money like pouring water. With a partner that love to eat good food and hate the desserted markets near our work place, I was growing poorer each day. I really got so sick of fast food, especially mac. The fries there are SALTY. Very. I am hating french fries each time I eat them. =X Once in a while is really okay. But definitely not twice in a week. Be it I am cheapo or what, it's my mindset. Plus eating too much fries will lead to cancer. S o unhealthy. I know wan jun primary school secret now. Whahahaha. =X
We went to 'Candy Empire' after our meal. Sweets.. Chocolates.. Biscuits.. Oh my.. Make me think of australia. I miss the place. Feel like going there for further studies. But money issues again. I bought some chocolate with different flavour inside, there is mango choco, orange choco, cookie and cream, strawberry and more. LOL. I love flavour choco lots. =) Darling never buy anything as she already bought a lot of choco previous time she visited 'Candy Empire'. She wanted to get candies from mini toon instead. Because the candy there was cheaper. Haha. So we went mini toon after that. I bought rainbow color mashmallow. Yum. I love rainbow color things. After that we switch to photo taking mode. We began taking pictures, the changing color light or decoration items above sweet recipe.
Show hands..
Using Nokia N70 camera:

Using Sony Erisson camera:

In conclusion, Erisson is better than N70 for taking pictures during night time. XD
The golden days.
My Birthday! Went out with family to 'The French Stall' located at Sturdee Rd North somewhere near upper serangoon. As it was our first time eating there, we're not sure of what are the restuarant best dish. So I ordered steamed dory filet with mixed vegetable and mussel and my family ordered 3-course set meals(soup of the day, main course and dessert). We ate until we felt our stomach is going to explode anytime. The bus ride home was scary. As they are many people crowded at the exit, my mum and bro were having difficulty getting down the bus. As I know, adults normally were afraid of the double charge of bus fare, so they will be conscious of tapping their e-zine card on the machine before alighting, so my mum was one of those adults, she tapped my bro and her e-zine card and when they are alighting, the bus moved out of a sudden. Gosh. And the exit is not closed at all. Bloody driver. Luckily nothing happened to them.
Introducing the dory filet.
I was late for my work today.
This is the latest timing that I was late so far. I left the house late. To most of the people, when they know that they are going to be late for work, they will choose to hire a cab. But for me is different. I guess so. I was cheapo. I don't want to waste money on cab when I didn't even get my previous month pay after working for about 2 months. And I have other money problem to worry about. So I thought to myself, since I was late, it will be the matter of late and later. late will be I hire a cab, reached my company and give excuse of being late. But definitely not late for 30mins. Later will be.. Wait for the bus that is taking its 'own sweet time' to come. Reached the company, seeing people start work at their desk and I have to sneak into the company after feeling so embarrassed being late. But either both choice, I will also be late. So I chose the 'later' choice. I want to save cab fare. Sigh. Therefore, half an hour pay will be gone.. And we have about 2bucks for 1hour? So half an hour late, means.. 2bucks/2 = 1buck left. LOL. Good game.
When to attend internal meeting in the noon. We're helpers for the meeting, our job is to pass mic to people who intend to ask questions, give out presentation document and etc.
I want to shop. Very in need of shopping. Deprived shopping-hood. I want GG5 clothes. Nice office lady wear. I want nice pants. 3/4 white pants with nice top. I want a rich boyfriend, good looking, love me more than I love him, etc. LOL. The man of many women's dream. Be it black, white or other race. I am not racist. And I don't mind. No offence. =X
Went out with xx. Bought a shirt from flesh imp. It was on the 50% category. But that's not the reason why I bought it okay. I am not so cheapo. Reason simple, because I only eyed that shirt. I am going to save 55bucks to get that 'Skinny Bitch' or maybe 'Don't hate me because I'm skinny' shirt at Queen Couture. whahaha! It was so interesting. Imagine I wear it out, people will be staring at me. Giving me face, giving me attitude. Just because I AM SKINNY and PRETTY in the fact. whahahahaaa! =X just kidding. First time eating yoshinoya, tried the sliced beef with rice. It was nice. Really.
Pretty me. Without my face. LOL.
My stm is getting worst. Now when I am feeling tired, I can't even think of what I did 1hour ago. Not only deprived of shopping, I am deprived of sleeping.
Today, feeling restless and tired. Of course, I was hoping for some work to keep me awake. But there seems to be nothing to do, I got no microsoft office access which means I can't continue on my web forms. I am feeling sleepy now..
Let me see.. If I manage to get my previous month salary, I will be able to carry out plans. Hopefully it's calculated by monthly and not daily/weekly? So if it's by daily/weekly, I think I will get about 381bucks. Gosh. That's LESS. Sigh. Life is miserable. Then 100bucks to parents, I will be left with 381-100=281bucks. I need to pay for my phone bill and save some for my next month bill, 281-120-50=111bucks. I got to treat T11 ice cream.. 111-(10x8) = 31bucks. Freakk. 31bucks for? Can't even shop. Can't even buy my skinny bitch shirt. F5. Maybe I will just take that stack of 50dollars notes from park and use. Can I? Will I be able to use successfully? Will I not end up in jail? Will I will I? =X
But.. I think too fast. Things normally don't go well for me. What if.. What if I didn't have my pay credit into my account? *faint. Then all the above things I had mentioned will be.. Going down the drain. Then I will be bring lunch box to work everyday, wake up early for work so that I won't be late, go home straight after work everyday and weekend will be staying at home and stone. No more good food, no more shopping spee, no more ice cream, no more outing. My life will be deprived from being free labour. I will be loitering around the neighbourhood during weekend, see if I managed to find anything worth of money, then I will be taking extra job, earning extra money, working myself like a cow. My life.. will be ruined. I will be Haggard and ugly, with dark eye rings, yellow and dehydrated skin. Ahhhhh.. I better pray hard that I will be able to get my pay by tomorrow. I am in need of my pay.
Today Lunch is free. Weee! As we helped out during the meeting, the organiser decided to treat us lunch at kallang. It's a malay food outlet. He ordered about 5 delicious dishes. There is fish, sumba chicken, curry vegetable, non spicy vegetable and fried eggs. Yum yum. Enjoyed eating there. Thank you for the lunch! =)
I checked my bank account during lunch. The company haven't even pay me my first month salary! Hell. We need money to survive. And that means.. All my plans will be ... Washed away into the drain. Money money. My partner said I am quite money minded. Hello. I am not as rich as him, he got parents to help him pay for this and that, I pay everything by myself. Maybe that's the reason he looks down on poor people. As if I care. He mentioned something interesting today. He put on make up and lip gloss when taking neoprints. LOL. Erm.. So gay? =X I was shocked when I heard that.
My partner = E
E: If I put on make up when taking neoprints, people will say I look like korean.
Me: Make up... ?
E: Ya. Cos most korean actor have fair skin and very red lips.
Me: ....
Do you really think you look like any korean actor or are u 'acting' to be like an actor? Dots. No comment. Maybe lots of guy love to beauty themselves too much.
When out with darling and wan jun today. Met them at city hall and.. Both of them are standing at the same area yet they didn't notice each other. So funny. We went to marina sq to eat. Wanted to try the Japanese ice cream. Is that a Jap or Korean restaurant? But wan jun cannot eat plus I haven't get pay. So we dropped the idea. We ate Long John silver instead. Cheap and filling. whahaha. Cheapo. I am getting more and more calculative. Because pay is little, and I spend money like pouring water. With a partner that love to eat good food and hate the desserted markets near our work place, I was growing poorer each day. I really got so sick of fast food, especially mac. The fries there are SALTY. Very. I am hating french fries each time I eat them. =X Once in a while is really okay. But definitely not twice in a week. Be it I am cheapo or what, it's my mindset. Plus eating too much fries will lead to cancer. S o unhealthy. I know wan jun primary school secret now. Whahahaha. =X
We went to 'Candy Empire' after our meal. Sweets.. Chocolates.. Biscuits.. Oh my.. Make me think of australia. I miss the place. Feel like going there for further studies. But money issues again. I bought some chocolate with different flavour inside, there is mango choco, orange choco, cookie and cream, strawberry and more. LOL. I love flavour choco lots. =) Darling never buy anything as she already bought a lot of choco previous time she visited 'Candy Empire'. She wanted to get candies from mini toon instead. Because the candy there was cheaper. Haha. So we went mini toon after that. I bought rainbow color mashmallow. Yum. I love rainbow color things. After that we switch to photo taking mode. We began taking pictures, the changing color light or decoration items above sweet recipe.
Show hands..
Using Nokia N70 camera:
Using Sony Erisson camera:
In conclusion, Erisson is better than N70 for taking pictures during night time. XD
The golden days.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
The Event.
Mama, take this badge off of me
I can't use it anymore
It's getting dark, too dark to see
Feel I'm knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
Mama put my guns in the ground
I can't shoot them anymore
That long black cloud is coming down
I feel I'm knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
Baby stay right here with me
Cause I can't see you anymore
This aint's the way it's supposed to be
I feel I'm knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
Son won't you remember me?
I can't be with you anymore
A lawman's life is never free
I feel I'm knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
knock knock..
Knocking on heaven's door
When swimming today around 12pm. The sun is so bright that I can't control myself not to think of swimming in the cooling water. So I went for a swim in Kallang Bahur, somewhere near my house. I am still not use to swimming alone. It has been about 7 years or more since I last stepped into the swimming complex. The toilet are all newly renovated and the place look more present looking compare to the old complex. But for the children bath room, it is about the same, passer-by still can peep into and look at naked kids. *horror. I remembered when I am young, I was afraid of using the children bath room. So... insecure.
The pool is not crowded today. Yeah! Hoping for less people, so that I can swim. Most of the people are guys. And can you imagine, they went there to sun tan! F5. Only about ten people will inside the pool. And as time passed by, the pool has lesser and lesser people occupying. I tried swimming, as how I used to swim. However, my swimming skill had already turned rusty. I was actually having breathing difficulty. Gosh. I need to swim more. Feel that my skill was wasted. I could have swim well like most guys. But after so many years of not swimming, I feel like a beginner now. Got to swim more. I was stm until the extent that I forgot to bring my shampoo etc. Luckily the pool is quite near my house, after washing up, I took bus home and immediately I went to bath. Think my hair is more dry now. Thanks to the chlorine water.
Recalled yesterday event..
We celebrated minky and mine birthday together at minky house! Have steamboat over there. Woohooo.. Thanks to Fifi, Joc, Junie, Parky, Steve, Mel, Minky, Xiang ming, YeeSheng and Guanglin who organised the event yesterday. Huggg! Love u all lots. =)
I love the flowers, soccer shoes, the fake piano as well as the fake money. HUGS!
Pictures to make u envy me.. XD

Sunflowers! 3 of them. Ahhh~ I am so happy.

The fake 50dollars note they gave me! F5. And it's so BIG, almost half of my laptop size.

The soccer sneaker. Sweat. Soccer with the guys now? LOL. They didn't have enough of own goal.
I can't use it anymore
It's getting dark, too dark to see
Feel I'm knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
Mama put my guns in the ground
I can't shoot them anymore
That long black cloud is coming down
I feel I'm knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
Baby stay right here with me
Cause I can't see you anymore
This aint's the way it's supposed to be
I feel I'm knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
Son won't you remember me?
I can't be with you anymore
A lawman's life is never free
I feel I'm knocking on heaven's door
Knock knock knocking on heaven's door
knock knock..
Knocking on heaven's door
When swimming today around 12pm. The sun is so bright that I can't control myself not to think of swimming in the cooling water. So I went for a swim in Kallang Bahur, somewhere near my house. I am still not use to swimming alone. It has been about 7 years or more since I last stepped into the swimming complex. The toilet are all newly renovated and the place look more present looking compare to the old complex. But for the children bath room, it is about the same, passer-by still can peep into and look at naked kids. *horror. I remembered when I am young, I was afraid of using the children bath room. So... insecure.
The pool is not crowded today. Yeah! Hoping for less people, so that I can swim. Most of the people are guys. And can you imagine, they went there to sun tan! F5. Only about ten people will inside the pool. And as time passed by, the pool has lesser and lesser people occupying. I tried swimming, as how I used to swim. However, my swimming skill had already turned rusty. I was actually having breathing difficulty. Gosh. I need to swim more. Feel that my skill was wasted. I could have swim well like most guys. But after so many years of not swimming, I feel like a beginner now. Got to swim more. I was stm until the extent that I forgot to bring my shampoo etc. Luckily the pool is quite near my house, after washing up, I took bus home and immediately I went to bath. Think my hair is more dry now. Thanks to the chlorine water.
Recalled yesterday event..
We celebrated minky and mine birthday together at minky house! Have steamboat over there. Woohooo.. Thanks to Fifi, Joc, Junie, Parky, Steve, Mel, Minky, Xiang ming, YeeSheng and Guanglin who organised the event yesterday. Huggg! Love u all lots. =)
I love the flowers, soccer shoes, the fake piano as well as the fake money. HUGS!
Pictures to make u envy me.. XD
Sunflowers! 3 of them. Ahhh~ I am so happy.
The fake 50dollars note they gave me! F5. And it's so BIG, almost half of my laptop size.
The soccer sneaker. Sweat. Soccer with the guys now? LOL. They didn't have enough of own goal.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
My bones ache like nobody business.
I feel slightly feverish.
My legs and hands wobble.
I didn't get to sleep for the last night. Bones aching too painful to even let my body rest for 1hour.
I am been walking like a zombie to work. Reason: Legs don't give way.
Don't feel like eating anything heavy. I am afraid of chicken and fries. With only Mac and Kfc nearest to the office, how could I not fall sick?
This friday will be minky's birthday. Happy birthday bro!
Wishes will come true. Cheer up! =)
I feel slightly feverish.
My legs and hands wobble.
I didn't get to sleep for the last night. Bones aching too painful to even let my body rest for 1hour.
I am been walking like a zombie to work. Reason: Legs don't give way.
Don't feel like eating anything heavy. I am afraid of chicken and fries. With only Mac and Kfc nearest to the office, how could I not fall sick?
This friday will be minky's birthday. Happy birthday bro!
Wishes will come true. Cheer up! =)
Saturday, April 08, 2006
I am damn fed up, irritated and pissed!
Damn. I am in a BAD mood today. VERY.
My hp bill just comes. DAMN.
Guess how much? Oh, it hits the jackpot. 110.91BUCKS.
Fuck. Date due: 21th april.
Fuck the stupid bill.
How am I going to pay that MUCH of amount?
And my pay is not even coming soon.
Damn the pay.
From now on, I am not going to call after 100mins of outgoing calls, 500 local sms and 500(m1 or starhub) sms. Feel free to call me, incoming call FREE.
I am feeling freaking irritating now.
Damn. I am in a BAD mood today. VERY.
My hp bill just comes. DAMN.
Guess how much? Oh, it hits the jackpot. 110.91BUCKS.
Fuck. Date due: 21th april.
Fuck the stupid bill.
How am I going to pay that MUCH of amount?
And my pay is not even coming soon.
Damn the pay.
From now on, I am not going to call after 100mins of outgoing calls, 500 local sms and 500(m1 or starhub) sms. Feel free to call me, incoming call FREE.
I am feeling freaking irritating now.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Pictures Time!
Wow, I have been so busy to even upload all the pictures that I have took using my N70. LOL.
N70 is a nice phone, it comes handy when I am bored in office, when I see something extra-ordinary, when I am eating, etc. There is also a editing function for pictures, which you can add art clips into your pictures, edit the color contrast, add texts and frames. Cool huh? But recently, my N70 will auto restart on its own. Is it because of low reception or there is something wrong with the phone? F5. Maybe next week, I am going to drop by at the service center for some queries-asking.
I have spent my lunch time eating in Bugis. We took a cab down which costs like 5.20bucks, a cab back costs like 4.80bucks. Lastly, my lunch costs me 12.80bucks! Can you imagine spending 17dollars just for lunch out?! Gosh.. I am broke.
Now here are some pictures I took..

The 2nd cockroach in our room! Disgusting!

I love yogurt with fruits.

Birthday present from xx. After pestering him for so many times. LOL. Thank you. =)

Birthday present from F3. Pretty nice right? Just like the brand, 'PrettyFit'. Hugs! ;)

The Levis bag that we bought for 20bucks! Cute right? haha.

The tempting potato chips I enjoyed while reading my story book. Yummy.

The pasta(carbonara), mushroom soup and banana dessert pizza. Cool huh? Cheesy, creamy and sweety. =X
Lastly, I present my sweet picture..

Craps. This is what I did when I am bored. So silly. Park, did u see u inside with ur 2 friends? LOL.
Life is like a rainbow. U need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear.
N70 is a nice phone, it comes handy when I am bored in office, when I see something extra-ordinary, when I am eating, etc. There is also a editing function for pictures, which you can add art clips into your pictures, edit the color contrast, add texts and frames. Cool huh? But recently, my N70 will auto restart on its own. Is it because of low reception or there is something wrong with the phone? F5. Maybe next week, I am going to drop by at the service center for some queries-asking.
I have spent my lunch time eating in Bugis. We took a cab down which costs like 5.20bucks, a cab back costs like 4.80bucks. Lastly, my lunch costs me 12.80bucks! Can you imagine spending 17dollars just for lunch out?! Gosh.. I am broke.
Now here are some pictures I took..
The 2nd cockroach in our room! Disgusting!
I love yogurt with fruits.
Birthday present from xx. After pestering him for so many times. LOL. Thank you. =)
Birthday present from F3. Pretty nice right? Just like the brand, 'PrettyFit'. Hugs! ;)
The Levis bag that we bought for 20bucks! Cute right? haha.
The tempting potato chips I enjoyed while reading my story book. Yummy.
The pasta(carbonara), mushroom soup and banana dessert pizza. Cool huh? Cheesy, creamy and sweety. =X
Lastly, I present my sweet picture..
Craps. This is what I did when I am bored. So silly. Park, did u see u inside with ur 2 friends? LOL.
Life is like a rainbow. U need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
I am feeling tempting by good foods! Fish n Co, korean food, sushi buffet, french food, chicken ginseng soup etc. Oh goshhh. My partner and I have been discussing about foods since the whole morning. Good foods! But I haven't get my pay yet. Sadd. Park you going to treat me on friday right? =X
Just get a scolding from a lady for laughing too loud. I should be quiet.
It's All Coming Back To Me Now
There were nights when the wind was so cold
That my body froze in bed
If I just listened to it
Right outside the window
There were days when the sun was so cruel
That all the tears turned to dust
And I just knew my eyes were
Drying up forever
I finished crying in the instant that you left
And I can't remember where or when or how
And I banished every memory you and I had ever made
But when you touch me like this
And you hold me like that
I just have to admit
That it's all coming back to me
When I touch you like this
And I hold you like that
It's so hard to believe but
It's all coming back to me
There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things I'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than any laws allow
Baby Baby
If I kiss you like this
And if you whisper like that
It was lost long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you want me like this
And if you need me like that
It was dead long ago
But it's all coming back to me
It's so hard to resist
And it's all coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now
But it's all coming back
There were those empty threats and hollow lies
And whenever you tried to hurt me
I just hurt you even worse
And so much deeper
There were hours that just went on for days
When alone at last we'd count up all the chances
That were lost to us forever
But you were history with the slamming of the door
And I made myself so strong again somehow
And I never wasted any of my time on you since then
But if I touch you like this
And if you kiss me like that
It was so long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you touch me like this
And if I kiss you like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back
There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things we'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than all your laws allow
Baby, Baby, Baby
When you touch me like this
And when you hold me like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
Then we see what we want to see
All coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now
If you forgive me all this
If I forgive you all that
We forgive and forget
And it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
We see just what we want to see
All coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall but it's all coming back to me now
And if we..
Just get a scolding from a lady for laughing too loud. I should be quiet.
It's All Coming Back To Me Now
There were nights when the wind was so cold
That my body froze in bed
If I just listened to it
Right outside the window
There were days when the sun was so cruel
That all the tears turned to dust
And I just knew my eyes were
Drying up forever
I finished crying in the instant that you left
And I can't remember where or when or how
And I banished every memory you and I had ever made
But when you touch me like this
And you hold me like that
I just have to admit
That it's all coming back to me
When I touch you like this
And I hold you like that
It's so hard to believe but
It's all coming back to me
There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things I'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than any laws allow
Baby Baby
If I kiss you like this
And if you whisper like that
It was lost long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you want me like this
And if you need me like that
It was dead long ago
But it's all coming back to me
It's so hard to resist
And it's all coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now
But it's all coming back
There were those empty threats and hollow lies
And whenever you tried to hurt me
I just hurt you even worse
And so much deeper
There were hours that just went on for days
When alone at last we'd count up all the chances
That were lost to us forever
But you were history with the slamming of the door
And I made myself so strong again somehow
And I never wasted any of my time on you since then
But if I touch you like this
And if you kiss me like that
It was so long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you touch me like this
And if I kiss you like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back
There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things we'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than all your laws allow
Baby, Baby, Baby
When you touch me like this
And when you hold me like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
Then we see what we want to see
All coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now
If you forgive me all this
If I forgive you all that
We forgive and forget
And it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
We see just what we want to see
All coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall but it's all coming back to me now
And if we..
Monday, April 03, 2006
Finally, It is the beginning of 2nd month, 1st week.
Have fun going out with F3 yesterday. They are going to buy me a pair of heels at pretty fit which I have been targeting since long time ago. Love ya! =) Next, We bought ourselves each a Levi's bag for only 20bucks! Its cheap. And we like cheap items. As what shufen say, if we don't buy anything at the sale, we're going to let ourselves down. See how cheapo is she? =X Hugs. Tried a two pair of jeans, w24 is too small for me. w25 is a bit too spacy for me. Sweat. Which means, I am stuck between w24 and w25! Gosh. How to put on weight? Is there any secret behind it? =XX
And F3 are so excited to see N70. LOL. They use it for their self satifaction! Take so many pictures, and change my wallpaper to their faces. LOL. My phone now is filled with pretty girls pictures.
What ice cream should I be treating F3? 1dollar or 50cents? LOL. U know u know. I haven't get my pay. I wonder when my pay be will credit into my account. Hopefully soon.
To update on my morning blog, shu fen visited me for lunch! Hugg. *touched. We have bandito together. Her favourite. My favourite too. But I still like two pieces chicken. whahahahah! Yum yum. She bought me the heels. Awww~ I love F3. Muack! LOL
Strawberry Yogurt.
Have fun going out with F3 yesterday. They are going to buy me a pair of heels at pretty fit which I have been targeting since long time ago. Love ya! =) Next, We bought ourselves each a Levi's bag for only 20bucks! Its cheap. And we like cheap items. As what shufen say, if we don't buy anything at the sale, we're going to let ourselves down. See how cheapo is she? =X Hugs. Tried a two pair of jeans, w24 is too small for me. w25 is a bit too spacy for me. Sweat. Which means, I am stuck between w24 and w25! Gosh. How to put on weight? Is there any secret behind it? =XX
And F3 are so excited to see N70. LOL. They use it for their self satifaction! Take so many pictures, and change my wallpaper to their faces. LOL. My phone now is filled with pretty girls pictures.
What ice cream should I be treating F3? 1dollar or 50cents? LOL. U know u know. I haven't get my pay. I wonder when my pay be will credit into my account. Hopefully soon.
To update on my morning blog, shu fen visited me for lunch! Hugg. *touched. We have bandito together. Her favourite. My favourite too. But I still like two pieces chicken. whahahahah! Yum yum. She bought me the heels. Awww~ I love F3. Muack! LOL
Strawberry Yogurt.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Fool day
Oh well..
How am I going to start telling about today life?
Today is 1st of april.. To many, today is april fool. It means a day to play a joke on people.
And.. Someone PS me today for the drama concert. Sigh. Life is bad.
But it's okay. I got my sushi. I got my yogurts.
Lastly, I got my N70.
I feel so small.
I feel empty.
I can't feel it.
How am I going to start telling about today life?
Today is 1st of april.. To many, today is april fool. It means a day to play a joke on people.
And.. Someone PS me today for the drama concert. Sigh. Life is bad.
But it's okay. I got my sushi. I got my yogurts.
Lastly, I got my N70.
I feel so small.
I feel empty.
I can't feel it.
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