I says:
Colleague: What's the hub doing in ur bag? U steal it? Did u? I am going to call up ur parents and supervisor in school now. Prepare to fail. This is a police case.
« lucky bitch » says:
me:"huh wah?! u THINK i SCARED ahh?! call c all la!! i bring myself one lor!!! see got my name!!! ehh...gimme chance leh...sob sob"
I says:
Colleague: U bring one? Then why got our company name on it? Police case no chance liao! ROARRR!
« lucky bitch » says:
me: "nuuuuuuuuu~ give chance!! i still haven bet World Cup win money yet.....!!!!"
I says:
Colleague: Wtf.. At this time u still care about ur World Cup? U have failed ur attachment. Please report back to school on the following week! Hire a good lawyer too! Good luck, Mr bitch!
« lucky bitch » says:
I says:
Colleague: U can try doing that, Young boy! Be prepare to DIEEEE!~
So think before u do. Lucky that bitch never keep the hub inside his bag else, he will end in police office now, may even get a F. U lucky bitch! ★

The sunset.

Superman Return!
Did I say I go to town on thursday to catch Superman with old man? Old man was bored and need company. AWW.. U know I have alway been kind toward elderly. Anyway, it was old man treat. XD Hugs! WOOO!
Superman has nice effect. LOL. But the introduction was rather long? Superman is charming.. I love his eyes and his smile. haha! The little boy is CUTE. *drools
Old man and I have a bet. Germany please win tonight match! *pray
White skirt! Nice nice!

I like the green and yellow top! Nice too! But no more stock liao. :(

An Online shop I found, selling necklaces, clothes and bags! I love this blue sailor necklace! Buy it for me babe! Click Me To Buy For Linn!

I love crystal too! ROARRR!
