Monday, June 19, 2006

The thoughts.

I hate tico guys. VERY.
After all the blog I read, I don't know whether should I believe what I hear and what I see? What is so good about boobs? Fuck all the guys who are so addicted to them. I condemn those guys like hell.
What is so good about having a few fuck before u get marry? Well.. That's so irresponsible. I don't know how is the wife suppose to think. How about if ur wife has hanky panky with some other guys before she get marry to u. And u found out after u married her? How will it feel? Happy? Ya.. People say they don't mind, but when this really happens, they will making a fucking big issue out of it. HELL man. U did it, people can't comment anything on it, ur wife did it, u make a big fuss out of it. Who do u think u're? Ur wife is a human too. So the point is, think before u do. That doesn't mean that I am disagree with sex before marriage. I mean, different people have different point of views. I may be disagreeing with it but what if one day I do it? I am not in the position to say whether it's right or wrong. It's personal view. But for mean time, I know that it's NOT worth to give someone who MAY NOT be ur future life partner. And u may argue with me that how about those divorce and remarry cases? Well.. U know it's a different issue. Divorced people are viewed differently, why? Just like an ex-criminal, people judge them different and will u ever hire an ex-criminal, very less possibilities of it, right? And of course ur wife is not an ex-criminal, I am just trying to say an example. I am not trying to discriminate them, but that is how the society react. Get it? Dumbo.
Now, Why do guys afraid to compromise? Some guys just doesn't want to commit in a relationship. Why?
1. Because the past huant them and they are afraid to love.
2. They feel that they can have/meet a better girlfriend.
3. They don't want to spend the rest of their life looking at the same old girl so early.
4. They don't know whether they really in love or is it like only.
5. They need physical desire compare to mentally desire.
6. They worry about lesser time spending with their buddies at ogling pretty girls, they worry that they may be tied.
7. They put relationship as their last priority.

I could no longer know what is love. Being a listener, I read, I listen, I keep quite. No, that's not true. Just because I keep quiet doesn't mean that u could take advantage of me. And again, NO. I am revengeful. *hint hint. So think before u do.
I could no long differentiate good thing or bad thing. I am confused again. Disappointed.
I am sad.
Love is a feeling that can't be said..
Yes. Love.. Is not easy to find. And once u got it, never give up easily. Somehow, maybe one day u'll regret it?
Is there are some problem in my thinking. Woo.. Prove me I am wrong.
Love is wrong. Ya. So wrong. I think else.
I realise that there are certain things that doesn't need explaination anymore. There are things that I can do alone. I don't want meaningless thing anymore. I just want to be alone. Don't ever make use of my weakness. I may cut.. =X
I don't want to cry alone in my room. Wondering why the hell am I doing such thing to myself.
I hate crying. HATE IT!
Whatever I hoped for, has become false hope.
I will get better tomorrow.
Yes. To love somebody is wrong. VERY.
Very irresponsible.
I can't believe that..
I scared myself way too much.

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