
One cutie little scooter park in my neighbourhood.
I went home after piano as there is no date. BOOHOO!
Hell, when are u taking me out?!
I feel like getting Fisheye camera!
I love the way the pictures turn out! So cool can.
Should I or should I not?
Friday enrolment talk:
Don't laugh at out art work okay!
We did a little shopping today. Not really our day as the cashier keyed wrong amount and still say correct what!
Wednesday Graduation Day:
T11 class photo! Take urs here!
U can see a few missing here and there, like melvin, xiang ming etc..
Oh boy! U're so smart that day!
And my long long bendemeerian, he got the IDA gold award and don't know how many distinctions. Well.. one of ICT top students. I feel so demoralising compare to him. WHYYYY! Why am I just a passing grade student and u're so smart! Tell me boss! Don't u feel that he looks like the boss from some company?
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