Who is in Wednesday late afternoon marketing class?
Please contact me! =X HAHHAA!
I'm willing to be your classmate for 21 weeks and so. :)
I'm missing you shufen, my only same coursemate in SIM..
Have my macro class today, well, who say macro is easier? I think I am one of those people. However during the UOL exam I find that micro is easier compare to macro. Shucks. Today my lecturer said that macro is harder now compare to micro. And for people who intend to take macro next year, please do not take, it's not advisable according to my lecturer. They changing the syllabus to a tougher and thicker than the famous AMOS exam guide book. SOOOO.. By hook or crook, we MUST PASS this year macro. Mr seet is a nice and humourous lecturer for macro econs. hehee! I need to start revising Year1 econs, I forgot most of the terms and equation. =/
Should I buy these:
The shoes are so cute! But if I wear it in singapore, I think a little AA(attract attention).. And singapore not cold. haaa!

OH MY GOSH! Zebra! HEHEHE! So young and style!

Ciao for now!
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