Thursday, August 13, 2009

It has been a tiring week.
Totally exhausted. I sleep less than 7 hours per day that explains why pimples are popping out.
Work is boring. Doing the same stuff for 2 weeks.
Good pay and job satisfaction don't come together.
I feel that I am nothing but a slave of money. How pathetic!
It's rather weird feeling. All of a sudden, I have this strong feeling of breaking away from all the hectic things around you, from this bustling city and shut yourself from the world by doing the things you like. And I know at this moment, I need to play on my piano badly. I need music to cheer me up, to bring me life. To make me feel like a whole.

On a happy side, M has lunch with me today. Thanks for finding me! :)
I am still thinking of what to buy for him. Any suggestion?
Amelia said I'm crazy if I really buy him that. Ha!
Come to think about it, yes it's really expensive. I guess it will be the most expensive gift I will ever give to someone who is more than friend and not yet lover. But compare to the things he has done for me, I guess it's never enough right?
Perhaps that explain the need of working. Because that's almost half of my 1 month salary. :(
Come money, come to me!

All I need is to have faith in relationship as well as in everything I do and choose.
However when all of the above fail, should one hides or runs?

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