It's not that I forgot to update my blog about the flea, it's just too much things to settle right now.
Things are not the way they should be.
Wonder where did my lucky star goes.
Just on Monday itself, a woman screamed/shouted at me in the public, by the way it's at the MRT Station and that day happens to be crowded as people are all queuing up to change their ezlink card. The reason I made a mistake by directing her to the wrong place and wasting her time. I didn't know that she was holding a seasonal pass and I don't even know what the hell is a seasonal pass. I was hired by LTA to reduce traffic and the only thing the company provides me was the Cepas Booklet! Who the hell will know everything the ticket office is selling?! I have to observe what the ticket office is selling as well as the service they provide. That means if there is nobody want to purchase seasonal pass, I won't even know that damn thing exist in the world. Yep, she shouted at me loudly. I felt so bloody embarassed at that moment that I even want to find a place to hide. I was thinking why the hell will I make a mistake, I asked her what's her pass so she shouted at me again "You don't even know your stuff, you should go for training!" Hello, if LTA will to provide us training, this kind of mistake won't appear. And apparently they're not interested in any other stuff except the new ezlink card. Nobody ever screamed/shouted at me in the public. Nobody. I apologised for the mistake and what you want?! And who are you to scream/shout at me? WHO?! Fucking woman. After finding out that I made a mistake, I cried. Because I feel this is damn unfair to me. If I am train to do this and I make mistake, I will gladly accept the fact. But I am not! I have to hide in the toilet and cry for 15 minutes to make sure she's not around anymore before I dare to step out of the toilet. Ya, call me coward. I'm one.
Tuesday, I got a heart attack. Result is out. And it's bad. I failed 2 modules, that means year 3 I will be taking 6 modules. Seriously I wonder how am I going to cope with 6 modules when I have difficulties coping with 4 modules. Failing 1 unit in final year will drop 1 classification and by failing 2 units will credit with a pass in the cert. AHHHH! I am worry, still don't know what module to choose. MM, MSM, HRM? Need to be super duper hard working for year 3. Ya, maybe all the dating places will be in the library. M will be supportive right?
Wednesday, when I am leaving the food court after having lunch, my sandals failed me. It snapped and I limped to a corner. Shocked and not sure what I should do. Should I call my colleague or should I walk bare feet back to the office? And an idea strucked me. I asked for a rubber band and tied the sandal to my foot and walk to the nearest bata. I can't be bothered if people stare at me as if I am crazy or what. This is life. Sometime there is no easy way out.
Well.. All I need now is to plan carefully and choose my next year units wisely. I can't afford to take any risk. I want to finish all my business with UOL and move on.
-Hugs June
You're not alone.
This 2nd part of the entry will be about the Flea!
Linnyberry proudly presents to you, August's Flea!
Sale is alright on that day! Big thanks to those who comes all the way down to show your support! That include June, Joc, M, TGL, Linnyberry's customers and SF's friends! :)
Special thanks to Shu Fen and my mum!
They're great help and definitely owe them one big time!

I am thankful to have a patient boy-friend who waited for me for 1 hour because I was held back at the office. And he waited without a single complain and didn't even tell me he waited that long. I was touched and guilty about that. You purposely do that right! Just kidding. =X
Things are not the way they should be.
Wonder where did my lucky star goes.
Just on Monday itself, a woman screamed/shouted at me in the public, by the way it's at the MRT Station and that day happens to be crowded as people are all queuing up to change their ezlink card. The reason I made a mistake by directing her to the wrong place and wasting her time. I didn't know that she was holding a seasonal pass and I don't even know what the hell is a seasonal pass. I was hired by LTA to reduce traffic and the only thing the company provides me was the Cepas Booklet! Who the hell will know everything the ticket office is selling?! I have to observe what the ticket office is selling as well as the service they provide. That means if there is nobody want to purchase seasonal pass, I won't even know that damn thing exist in the world. Yep, she shouted at me loudly. I felt so bloody embarassed at that moment that I even want to find a place to hide. I was thinking why the hell will I make a mistake, I asked her what's her pass so she shouted at me again "You don't even know your stuff, you should go for training!" Hello, if LTA will to provide us training, this kind of mistake won't appear. And apparently they're not interested in any other stuff except the new ezlink card. Nobody ever screamed/shouted at me in the public. Nobody. I apologised for the mistake and what you want?! And who are you to scream/shout at me? WHO?! Fucking woman. After finding out that I made a mistake, I cried. Because I feel this is damn unfair to me. If I am train to do this and I make mistake, I will gladly accept the fact. But I am not! I have to hide in the toilet and cry for 15 minutes to make sure she's not around anymore before I dare to step out of the toilet. Ya, call me coward. I'm one.
Tuesday, I got a heart attack. Result is out. And it's bad. I failed 2 modules, that means year 3 I will be taking 6 modules. Seriously I wonder how am I going to cope with 6 modules when I have difficulties coping with 4 modules. Failing 1 unit in final year will drop 1 classification and by failing 2 units will credit with a pass in the cert. AHHHH! I am worry, still don't know what module to choose. MM, MSM, HRM? Need to be super duper hard working for year 3. Ya, maybe all the dating places will be in the library. M will be supportive right?
Wednesday, when I am leaving the food court after having lunch, my sandals failed me. It snapped and I limped to a corner. Shocked and not sure what I should do. Should I call my colleague or should I walk bare feet back to the office? And an idea strucked me. I asked for a rubber band and tied the sandal to my foot and walk to the nearest bata. I can't be bothered if people stare at me as if I am crazy or what. This is life. Sometime there is no easy way out.
Well.. All I need now is to plan carefully and choose my next year units wisely. I can't afford to take any risk. I want to finish all my business with UOL and move on.
-Hugs June
You're not alone.
This 2nd part of the entry will be about the Flea!
Linnyberry proudly presents to you, August's Flea!
Sale is alright on that day! Big thanks to those who comes all the way down to show your support! That include June, Joc, M, TGL, Linnyberry's customers and SF's friends! :)
Special thanks to Shu Fen and my mum!
They're great help and definitely owe them one big time!

I am thankful to have a patient boy-friend who waited for me for 1 hour because I was held back at the office. And he waited without a single complain and didn't even tell me he waited that long. I was touched and guilty about that. You purposely do that right! Just kidding. =X
I will try to be good and nicer to you in the future. ;)
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