I just needed some random space to rant my thoughts.
There are many opportunities in life.
How any of you managed to grab hold of it?
I just missed on one and I am pretty upset about it.
Initially I told my brother about it, he told me do not take unnecessary risks.
And few days later, he was sold on the idea.
We did try, but not hard and brave enough. We did not see thing far.
The idea did not succeed. I have see how others succeed on this.
Yes, sour grapes right now. We are not talking 1k to 2k, but the profit amount of more than 10k.
How can I not be heart broken when I can have that amount of increase on my bank statement?
Can you feel it too?
I have read many article on ways to increase salary/extra income in life, never use any of the methods. With inflation every day every year, there is no way to fight it with just decent salary.
I need to think of ways to grab hold of opportunities. After all, decent salary won't get me far.
I want to be debt free, and retire rich and happily.
Luck and opportunities are important in life.
I came to realise that it's all about planning ahead in life.
In business, there should always be a plan.
If you do not plan, you fail.
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