Sunday, September 19, 2004

+Be strong+

SobBbb~ Don't know why am I feeling so sad today when I'm chatting with U. I finally know something that U had never tell me before. It's so complicated. Too complicated for me to accept that is the fact. Suddenly, I discovered that U're no longer the person I once knew. Hao nan gou. Hao xiang ku, you bu ke yi ku. Zhe ge gan jue hao nan gou. Hao bei shang. I'm flummoxed. Should I continue liking U? sigh. Wo fang qi. Giving up every single hope. To love someone, U really needed alot of courage. I don't have the courage and got to admit that I lost the battle. Feel like hating U. But it's not ur fault too. Give me some time to settle down. God, please help me! Guide me through the darkness. Forgive U and to forgive myself. zai jian le wo de ai.

曾经为谁哭红了眼睛,那是生命中最美丽的表情。爱是一场不靠岸的旅途,也是上天最骄傲的礼物。前世的500次回首才换来今生的一次擦肩而过,能在茫茫人海中相遇相知,怎能说不是一种缘分? 也许他们都该庆幸这样的结束。

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