Saturday, March 19, 2005


Yesterday went out with Eddie and his friends until late night. Met them at suntec at 8.30pm, late for half an hour. haha. Then went to esplanade to enjoy the scenery. We sat on the chairs by the river outside Fullerton Hotel. The air was so cooling. Then a bunch of teenagers or should I say kids? hahaha think they are around my age, playing along the river. Pushing each other, or are they doing stunts? haha. Eddie keeps on cursing them to fall into the river. >.< bad. After resting for about an hour, we decided to sit boat. It was interesting, never sit boat ride at singapore river before. But then the ride for entire round was expensive. Each person is 12 bucks. Left there at 11.30pm? Went to orchard to buy drinks as the 7-eleven at city hall was closed. They wanted to sing. Thought of going to KBox. We took cab to chinatown. It was expensive to sing at night in KBox, the price there is about 18bucks, Kster is about 14bucks. haha. But I didn't join them, mum called and wanted me to go home. Yup. Think alot of things yesterday. Naggy mum. haha.

+Looks or money? was what she told me.+

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