Such a tears jerker show. >.< I love that movie! Sigh. Think of the situation I am in now, feel so sad again. Everytime see u online, I don't know whether should I chat with u or not. But then, alway wait for u to message me first. Our gap is getting wider. Li de hao yuan hao yuan. Now that I am quite busy preparing for concert, whenever I come online, u will be sleeping soon. U stop playing acro. U say u changed a server. _ _lll And have to buy cd in order to play?! Too much money to spend? =X Seems like we have nothing in common to talk about. Ahhhhhh~
When out with a group of cca girls on sunday to shop for virtuoso clothes. End up buying a top from topshop and a pair of new black shoes! Ohh myy.. I don't care. I am going to buy another black color shoes with purple and blue strips in front. It's soooo stylo! I love that design but then stefanie say it look ugly. >.< Today rehersal at vch is totally craps! I didn't put in enough effort. I think I really need to practise alot alot of times! jia you bah! Birthday coming.. No plan in mind yet. It's soo.. boring? I am so exhausted. Love being single? HAhahaha! Any sunshine guys to intro me? Great smile will do! whahahaha.. I am crazy. Boring.. What is going on?! Everyday practise will be long! I haven't shop for my open toe heels yet. Ohh noooooo~
+Parallel lines will never meet. Just like u and me. On with our own way+
One of the pictures I edited for him. Cool? From this to the right side one. ^^ Before and after.
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