Here is my stand for today polling, this is just my thoughts. No criticizing at any party. All along Singapore is ruled by ministers from PAP and PAP consist of Mr Lee Kwang Yew. Our father of Singapore, he's the man who fought hard for the future of Singapore. Even though there may be lots of restriction in transportation, migration, banking system, business rules and education system, but he never fail to keep Singapore up to the world standard. As there are always rooms for improvement. If he doesn't put any restriction nor attracts any investment from other countries, maybe Singapore will not be as famous as today. I am not saying that the credit from a kampong Singapore to a modern Singapore should be all goes to Mr Lee. There may be other people involve that helped Mr Lee but in the fact that Mr Lee is a clever man that is why he's the PM. It's not easy to build a modern Singapore out from a kampong. There is a lot of things to consider, like money issues, construction materials and etc. I am sure if we're rich enough, we will have become like the US or other western countries. But we are not. And now, what we have is a peaceful country with growing economy. My friend told me that this year election is going to be a tough fight. The democratic parties are strong and lots of people want to be independent from the government, want to have a say in things that can change the government mindset and of course they want benefit from the government.
A few day ago, I was on the bus and I saw the news about election, rally etc. During the democratic rally, a contestant even said that if they win the election, he will provide a fulfilling package for elderly, "You could see that other countries government will give those retired or jobless elderly a monthly/weekly allowance and look at our country, our government do nothing of it. If you vote for us, we promised to provide 200bucks of weekly allowance to the jobless/retired people." I was like 'GOSH', are u kidding? 200bucks per week is equal to 800bucks per month. What if singapore have 1/3 of the population are jobless and retired people, then where are we going to get the money to give? From our taxes? Seems to be the only way.. But wait.. Didn't he say weekly allowance? Then, who will be interested to work and earn for themselves when we have the allowance package of getting our weekly allowance? When they are in need of winning, certain people often say things that are tempting. And it's up to you to believe in them. Why should we have a change when we're living good and in peace now? People resist to changes because they are afraid of changes, worry that they might not get used to it, worry that it will not benefit them and worry that they might lose what they have now. So PAP or WP, PAP or SDA? PAP or SDP? It's ur choice. Think of our future.
Just like this picture, we have cows eating grass. Cow gives us our daily products, eg milk and beef.
But what if one day the farmer decided to mix breed the cow and pig together?
And they produce.. A weird specie of cow and pig combination. Tada!
And do you think people will still want to buy the milk and beef? Of course not? Because.. Human resist to change. They can't adapt to the change, they scare that by eating the mix breed, it will causes them side effect. And of course, that depends on individual.
So do I.
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