I dread working without salary.
Sigh. When will they give us our salary? When?
End of the 5months attachment? Gosh. Then I will be suddenly rich, shopping spree.
I just recalled what my mum told me few days ago.
There are a few construction companys that are under gov. And there is a main gov office that is in charge of paying those construction companys. Yet those construction companys just close down one by one few years ago. The reason is because the the main office never pay them their salary. The main office received the salary and they just keep it to themselves. F5.
This is ridicious.
What if this is going to be what happen to me? TT.
I got no money for shopping. So sad.
I was so sad today. Sigh.
I'm too stupid to work with anyone. *knock my head against the wall
I got no comment for his question.
I brought u to the old airport road market that my friends recommended me. And U said "here like nothing to eat leh." I was.. speechless. U can take the umbrella if u want to. But u just want me to carry it. That's too clever of u. And u scold me stupid when it starts raining.
Working with people I don't know is never easy for me. Because I am anti-social.
I want to go back to school. I want to be with my friends. I am sensitive.
I want to cry. Seriously for the whole day I have been thinking how does crying define how strong a person can be?
T11 outing! So long never see my monday bf and he still treat us so good. He pay for almost everything that day. LOL. Good bf. We met up at Al meen at 6.30pm. The meeting time was supposed to be 6.30pm but end up all of us were late. We reached there around 7pm. The coffee shops were crowded, guess because it was a weekend and tomorrow is a holiday! We found empty tables and chairs in the air-con Al meen. Even through it was air-con, but how come everyone prefer to sit in the open space/not air-con?
After the dinner we rushed to June's working place as it was already 8.30pm. Tasted her ice cream. I love ice cream. =) Enjoy having ice cream especially people treat me. LOL. Thanks monday bf. Then went to holland V. June waiting for ball and his cakes. LOL. *drools. I love the strawberry one! Nice nice!
The surprise that Joc wanted to give us. It's a surprise to me. LOL. Antique bah? The sweets that we used to like when we're young. U know why? Because it looks like cigarette. Hahaha Don't be surprise to see us "smoking" in class. Thanks joc. Hugs.
Went to suntec with my bro for his handphone to be serviced as the dictionary applicantion can't be open. We're the last customer of the day before it closing! Look how empty it was. We're the only two left in the shop. So scary. What if someone kidnap us? What if we're being locked in the shop? But afraid no more, my bro will protect me. Hor bro? =X LOL.
Then we went to shop for foods. Took a bit at Auntie Anne, treat my bro chocolate mint. It was so sweet, should drink more water after that.
Ya, then we headed to cafu. And bought sushi. Wee! We're sushi lovers! Love it. And of course, we didn't buy any of the packet in the picture. LOL. It's too much for us and expensive. =X unless there is someone who want to buy for us. We won't mind ur offer. XD
Let us see some soft toy. Our first character will be doramon. The family consists of papa, mama and son. LOL. When kitty and doramon meet, they don't talk at all. Guess why? Because kitty has no mouth to talk and doramon has no ear to listen. hahahaha!
The next character will be Chip or Dale? I think is Dale, Dale never wear hat. hahaha! Dale is so cute. Awww.. I love anything that look like squirrel. =) One of my favour character other than hamtaro!
The third character is minnie mouse that is well known to everyone. Yeah. And it's in purple. Of all the color(green, orange and purple) I took picture of the purple one, know why? Because I'm bijou. >.<
Tired. Exhausted. Sleepy.
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