Friday, December 25, 2009
When people close to you start asking, not just 1 person asked, but 1,2,3,4,5,6 and so on..... I don't know how to answer the question anymore. Tell me how should I answer it.
I am fighting internally, debating on the factors.
I have to say I am completely defeated because I choose to believe it in my way.
Sunday, December 20, 2009

I LOVE this collection very very much!
Spend your money on Linnyberry now! HAHAHAA!
Then, Linnyberry will be back in January!
Hopefully with SF + new face! :D
And Linnyberry is looking for young and sweet looking model who can take on various roles.
From rock to sweet to sexy to demure to corporate style.
1) Age 17 to 20 years old
2) Big seductive eyes (I'm kidding, as long as you have big eyes can already!)
3) Fair skin / Snow white skin
4) Around 160cm to 165cm
5) Uk 6 to 8
6) Photogenic (This is important!)
7) Outgoing and fun loving
8) Attractive smile
9) Good conduct of behaviour ( =X)
10) Must be available on either Monday or Friday afternoon around 2pm to 6pm.
11) Must not be any blogshop or retail owner
Please email to if you fit most of the criteria (eg. 6 out of 8) with your photos (2 full length, 1 half body, 1 close up photos).
Estimated wage: around $25 per hour or more! Depends on whether you fit all the criteria or not.
If you have any friend fits into the above criteria, free feel to ask them email me!
Thank you much much!
Lastly, Merry Chirstmas people!
Hope you all stay healthy, eat and sleep well!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Now having post flea symptom.
Flea was quite okay, manage to sell off some last piece item.
I need to thank my mum (who is always playing with me =X), shufen and boyfriend! Ya, in the future, will be mum and boyfriend playing with me! I am kidding lah! If that really happens I think my boyfriend will boycott any flea in the future. =X
Shufen came at the right timing. HAAA! Around 5-7pm, the crowds start to come in. Poor june was not able to come. Don't worry, there will be next flea! But maybe in june? After all the exams..
Boyfriend came with dinner! Food! My boyfriend also ai wu ji wu! LOL.
Then drama happens. HAHA!
At that moment, I feel happy in my heart, was smiling inside. hehe!
AWWWWWWW! I miss that moment! Can re-play? hahaaaaaaa!
I think boyfriend was rather tired on that day, running here and there. Hugs and thank you!
I am glad that I have a boyfriend like you! :)
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The flea is cancelled and payment can be brought to 2nd January Flea, but I have school on that day. Sigh.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009

Sunday, November 01, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Everything seem to be going the wrong way.
First I estimated the spending on stock wrongly.
And now, photographer is flying off before my photoshoot. KNS.
I hate empty promises.
Now I don't know what to do, I got plenty of stock. And I need the cash badly.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
This is no longer safe for deep thoughts. =X
Lust, Fling, Illusion.
How do you define the perfect man?
Trust, compromise, understanding, honesty.
How do you define a relationship?
How do you define the word 'us'?
Thank you TGL for organising this gathering. Appreciate that effort! :)
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Heels and sandals, Marriot durian mooncakes and time spent together make my day!
I am happy girlfriend now. HAHAHA!
I am not a bad girlfriend either. I bought mooncakes for him and went to school to meet him. But certain things he did, made me touched by that even though I didn't mention anything.
Beginning of a relationship is alway very sweet, I hope we can stay like this few months/years down the road. :)
I am not a demanding girlfriend right! Haaa!
How gentle is the rain
That falls softly on the meadow
Birds high up in the trees
Serenade the clouds with their melody
Oh! See there beyond the hills
The bright colors of the rainbow
Some magic from above
Made this day for us
Just to fall in love
You hold me in your arms
And say once again you love me
And if your love is true
Everything will be just as wonderful
Now, I belong to you
From this day until forever
Just love me tenderly
And I'll give to you
Every part of me
Oh! Don't ever make me cry
Through long lonely nights without love
Be always true to me
Keep this day in your heart eternally
You hold me in your arms
And say once again you love me
And if your love is true
Everything will be just as wonderful
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Blur-ness and anger came one after another.
Tears caught me in the early morning.
I sent a sms that I wasnt in the right mood to cancel the meet up.
Even though I was hoping that he will pop out out somehow.
Anyway I feel bad and went to find him after my lesson in school.
You see, I'm still a child sometime.
Glad that I made the trip down, for the free egg tarts (just kidding lah).
I'm happy to see you. :)
The egg tarts from Tong Heng at Chinatown are nice! I never like egg tarts, but this is the first time I like an egg tarts. WOOO! Yum yum. I only consumed 2 and went to sleep after that, need that nap badly because I am totally shag.
Time for bed again!
Thank you for everything!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Venue: Home Club at The Riverwalk, B1-01/06
Time: 3pm to 9pm
How to get there: Home Club is at 20 Upper Circular Road, B1-01/06, The Riverwalk.
Nearest MRT: Clarke Quay and Raffles Place
From Clarke Quay MRT: Exit gantry, turn left. Go up to street level.
Go to Underpass behind Cheers. The Riverwalk is at the other end of the underpass.
Walk through the underpass, after which, Jumbo Restaurant should be on your right.
Continue walking straight along the river, Home Club will be on your right.
From Raffles Place MRT: Exit gantry turn right. Exit for UOB Plaza.
Walk along the rivers of Boat Quay, where the pub "Penny Black" is.
Go towards the underpass where Coffee Bean is.
Pass through the underpass and it is Home Club on your left.
Map here:

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Cod fish is nice. Just to let you know, I love cod and dory fish. I have a lot of favourite foods. Or rather, I am not that picky. I eat almost everything that are edible.
I also love ice cream with waffle.
That day we almost puked, too full finish the waffle with strawberry ice cream.
Railway mall is eye opener. I think quite ideal place to have dinner date there. By the way, you can only eat there, there is nothing else to do. haaaa!

Rushed some photos today, things are going too slow nowadays.
I am lacking behind my schedule in term of updating Linnyberry.
Busy working my lungs out.
And I am working tomorrow for LTA. Argghh. I am so lack of motivation to work for LTA. Pay is low and standing for 10 hours. This job sucks! :(
My favourite:

Monday, September 07, 2009
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Things are not the way they should be.
Wonder where did my lucky star goes.
Just on Monday itself, a woman screamed/shouted at me in the public, by the way it's at the MRT Station and that day happens to be crowded as people are all queuing up to change their ezlink card. The reason I made a mistake by directing her to the wrong place and wasting her time. I didn't know that she was holding a seasonal pass and I don't even know what the hell is a seasonal pass. I was hired by LTA to reduce traffic and the only thing the company provides me was the Cepas Booklet! Who the hell will know everything the ticket office is selling?! I have to observe what the ticket office is selling as well as the service they provide. That means if there is nobody want to purchase seasonal pass, I won't even know that damn thing exist in the world. Yep, she shouted at me loudly. I felt so bloody embarassed at that moment that I even want to find a place to hide. I was thinking why the hell will I make a mistake, I asked her what's her pass so she shouted at me again "You don't even know your stuff, you should go for training!" Hello, if LTA will to provide us training, this kind of mistake won't appear. And apparently they're not interested in any other stuff except the new ezlink card. Nobody ever screamed/shouted at me in the public. Nobody. I apologised for the mistake and what you want?! And who are you to scream/shout at me? WHO?! Fucking woman. After finding out that I made a mistake, I cried. Because I feel this is damn unfair to me. If I am train to do this and I make mistake, I will gladly accept the fact. But I am not! I have to hide in the toilet and cry for 15 minutes to make sure she's not around anymore before I dare to step out of the toilet. Ya, call me coward. I'm one.
Tuesday, I got a heart attack. Result is out. And it's bad. I failed 2 modules, that means year 3 I will be taking 6 modules. Seriously I wonder how am I going to cope with 6 modules when I have difficulties coping with 4 modules. Failing 1 unit in final year will drop 1 classification and by failing 2 units will credit with a pass in the cert. AHHHH! I am worry, still don't know what module to choose. MM, MSM, HRM? Need to be super duper hard working for year 3. Ya, maybe all the dating places will be in the library. M will be supportive right?
Wednesday, when I am leaving the food court after having lunch, my sandals failed me. It snapped and I limped to a corner. Shocked and not sure what I should do. Should I call my colleague or should I walk bare feet back to the office? And an idea strucked me. I asked for a rubber band and tied the sandal to my foot and walk to the nearest bata. I can't be bothered if people stare at me as if I am crazy or what. This is life. Sometime there is no easy way out.
Well.. All I need now is to plan carefully and choose my next year units wisely. I can't afford to take any risk. I want to finish all my business with UOL and move on.
-Hugs June
You're not alone.
This 2nd part of the entry will be about the Flea!
Linnyberry proudly presents to you, August's Flea!
Sale is alright on that day! Big thanks to those who comes all the way down to show your support! That include June, Joc, M, TGL, Linnyberry's customers and SF's friends! :)
Special thanks to Shu Fen and my mum!
They're great help and definitely owe them one big time!

I am thankful to have a patient boy-friend who waited for me for 1 hour because I was held back at the office. And he waited without a single complain and didn't even tell me he waited that long. I was touched and guilty about that. You purposely do that right! Just kidding. =X
Monday, August 31, 2009
And I just don't get it.
I feel irritated at that instant when I request for the reason behind that question and some idiot just gave some stupid answers. It really got on my nerves.
I hate this kind of feeling.
It makes me feel so dumb.
You know you can't get the answer which makes you even more curious about it. While some idiot acts blur over it.
I think I am stubbon and childish like shit. When I am serious talking to you, you better be serious in your answer, I can't tolerate nonsense.
Maybe I am reading too much into it.
But then again, if you can't get the truth, will you ever trust the words again?
To me, hard.
What's worst, I can't differentiate what are the truths and what are the lies.
Minor stuff makes me confused.
I shouldn't be sensitive.
Neither can I pretend nothing happen.
Only the teller will know.
Perhaps I need that sleep, tomorrow I will forget everything that happened tonight.
Ya, perhaps.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I am physically and mentally sick.
After that was free and easy for 1 hour. =X Haha Because the reservation of the dinner is at 6.30pm, so I was waiting for time to pass.
29th August (Saturday):
Flea Fly Flo!
Venue: Home Club at The Riverwalk, B1-01/06
Time: 3pm to 9pm
How to get there: Home Club is at 20 Upper Circular Road, B1-01/06, The Riverwalk.
Nearest MRT: Clarke Quay and Raffles Place
From Clarke Quay MRT: Exit gantry, turn left. Go up to street level. Go to Underpass behind Cheers. The Riverwalk is at the other end of the underpass.Walk through the underpass, after which, Jumbo Restaurant should be on your right.Continue walking straight along the river, Home Club will be on your right.
From Raffles Place MRT: Exit gantry turn right. Exit for UOB Plaza. Walk along the rivers of Boat Quay, where the pub "Penny Black" is.Go towards the underpass where Coffee Bean is. Pass through the underpass and it is Home Club on your left.
Map here:
Hopefully preview of the items will be up on Friday!
Come people, come and visit me! :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Here is something touching. It touches my heart deep.
Spend some time watching this:
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Totally exhausted. I sleep less than 7 hours per day that explains why pimples are popping out.
Work is boring. Doing the same stuff for 2 weeks.
Good pay and job satisfaction don't come together.
I feel that I am nothing but a slave of money. How pathetic!
It's rather weird feeling. All of a sudden, I have this strong feeling of breaking away from all the hectic things around you, from this bustling city and shut yourself from the world by doing the things you like. And I know at this moment, I need to play on my piano badly. I need music to cheer me up, to bring me life. To make me feel like a whole.
On a happy side, M has lunch with me today. Thanks for finding me! :)
I am still thinking of what to buy for him. Any suggestion?
Amelia said I'm crazy if I really buy him that. Ha!
Come to think about it, yes it's really expensive. I guess it will be the most expensive gift I will ever give to someone who is more than friend and not yet lover. But compare to the things he has done for me, I guess it's never enough right?
Perhaps that explain the need of working. Because that's almost half of my 1 month salary. :(
Come money, come to me!
All I need is to have faith in relationship as well as in everything I do and choose.
However when all of the above fail, should one hides or runs?
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
All my buttons are missing, I can't post any photo!
Just some complains about my job. I am reluctant to go to work everyday.
It's super tiring everyday. Imagine you're so energy drained that you need to sleep at 10pm daily and wake up at 6am.
I have never wake up so early before. Even during secondary school, I wake up at 7am.
Everyday I need to be mentally prepared for verbal abuse. Apparently the aunties and uncles in Hougang are not so friendly. They can do stupid thing and spoil our mood. So now, I learn to ignore, whatever they say, they do, are none of my business. I will take it they're weirdos. Afterall I am only paid $6 per hour for the cheap stake job, whats the point of providing good customer service when you're handling a branch of idiots?
If I have a better job opportunity, I will jump boat.
I think I am quite a good listener, young girls like to talk to me about their problems.
The ex boyfriend, the friends and the family.
But please don't tell me your ex boyfriend calls you everyday and tell you the same thing. It's rather obvious that the boyfriend is either childish or brainless. I am quite sick of hearing the same story or rather I am too old for this kind of stuff.
I don't like repeated stuffs. Never.
Now I have to rest because tomorrow is gonna be a busy day as those chao gen people who don't want to work will take mc.
I hope my skin will get better. :(
Friday, July 10, 2009
I thought that temperature taking staffs are easy to be.
Just standing there and taking temperature only what. What so tough?
Ya, it's true that you're require to stand there and take temperature.
Different section require different thing, just like today, there is no chair at my section and my flats are giving me problem these days. I have to wear a mask and gloves. Luckily no more gown, shower cap and goggler. Trying for 1 day is enough. Now, my feets and face are disfigured. Blisters on my poor feet, pimples and marking on my face. Guess where the pimples popping out at? All stuck at my nose! It's like I got pimple rashes or what, really scary. It's very pain whenever I touch the area. At first I thought my nose is going to has bruise because the mask is very tight. But end up, pimples popping out. :(
Okay, enough of work.
There are a few changes I noticed last week, somebody deleted the blog and mia. I bet you're secretly reading my blog. =X
And to xm, enjoy your trip! You better buy me something good back. HAHHAAHA! :D
Sunday, July 05, 2009
It is depressing after knowing the unfortunate thing around us.
Please do spend some time reading the content in the link and pass it around.
Help them if you can.
The divorce, the life the mom and kids having and the nightmare begins.
Life is so unpredictable.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
一转眼 眉头聚满乌云
天灰了 快乐总有限期
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Taking odd job like giving out leaflet and badges for Asian youth olympic event. I am only working for 2 days this week and 3 hours per day. Well, better than sitting at home and rot right? I think I am desperate for earning money.
The weather is super hot which make me having slightly headache now.
I get to see young teens from all over the countries!
From China to Korea to Japan to Thailand. Got a korean guy super shy! BTH.
I also saw few matches, like 100m race, 400m race and high jump for free. haha!
We get to go around taking photos for people and develop them for free!
And there are free milo too!
Times are bad, I need to take up odd jobs before the official isolation programme starts.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
My love for now. Color is exclusively to Linnyberry!
There are only 2 colors, white or black. And I know who took the white one! haha!

It's rather funny whenever I think about this.
My dear friend is going to have her 1 year anniversary soon.
And that means, I have been dating for almost 1 year and not yet attached.
Question: dating for a year consider healthy? Are we healthy adults? haha!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Most admin job requires to commit at least 3/4 months.
And if you notice, our school term might start on the mid week of September, so we can only work less than 3 months.
And right now, nobody wants to hire temporary admin for just 2 months. Not only that, they are paying just $6.50 per hour for admin.
I need a job! Money money where are you?
The question here is, will you take a job which has low pay (like $6 per hour) but at least you're able to work until mid week of September? Or will you rather wait for another opportunity to come?
Gosh! Tough question huh!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Ah, this one she replied.
Now I totally not in the mood to update Linnyberry. =/
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Xm and TGL visited me today! haha! Meeting the in-law mah. Just kidding lah!
Lunch, drinks, muffins and tissues are delights! Thank you both so much!
Seriously very happy seeing the two of you.
I appreciate the efforts a lot! Many thanks! :)
Katong Village flea isn't very good, compare to Pit building, it's like 100 times different. It rains in the morning when I am setting up my stall. Super heavy and the auntie beside my stall simply pissed me off. There isn't much young people around that area and a lot of philipinos. You know philipinos love second hand stuff, those cheap tee shirts that cost $3. =X
In anyway, I still must thank the people who visited my stall. Big thanks to my supporters, my valued customers and all.
It's a great experience for Linnyberry!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Thank you for helping me at my flea today! I hope you all enjoy as much as I do.
It's definitely a great experience, getting to know more customers, interact with them and their opinion etc. There are some cute ladies who visited my store 3 times, eyeing on the same item but want to get it cheaper. Haha! I am actually quite amazed by them.
Thanks to those who comes down to support Linnyberry!
And great to see pei pei and her friend around! Don't be so picky can! hahaha!
Working hard towards my dream! :)
Many thanks!
Tomorrow, Katong Village from 11.30am to 6pm!
See you there!

Let the picture do the job.
I know it's kinda messy. Sorry about it, I am rushing to work and manage to take a few photos before leaving the house.
This week is a super busy week, just because I am working and going down to supplier side for new stocks, preparing for the flea. I don't even have time to breathe.
Here are the flea details:
13th June (Saturday):Flea Fly Flo goes massive!
Venue: F1 Pit Building, 3rd Floor
Time: 1PM to 8PM
How to get there: Pit Building is just beside Singapore Flyer!
For those who wants to know how to get to Singapore Flyer, here is the detail: it's about a 10 to 15 mins walk from Suntec/ Esplanade/ Marina Square.
14th June (Sunday): Flea Market at Katong Village
Dates: 14th June 2009 (Sun)
Time: 11.30 - 6.30 pm
Venue: Katong Village (The space outside HK Tea House)
The location of the flea market is near Churches, popular shophouses, Parkway Parade, Katong Mall and Roxy Square. The famous Katong Laksa stall is located opposite Katong Village.
Here is the map:
Bring your boyfriends and girlfriends to support Linnyberry! :)
I am still doing the price tag at 5am. Gosh.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Monday, June 01, 2009
Has the moon lost her memory,
She is smiling alone.
In the lamplight, the withered leaves collect at my feet,
And the wind begins to moan.
Memory, all alone in the moonlight.
I can smile at the old days, I was beautiful then.
I remember the time I knew what happiness was.
Let the memory live again.
Every street light seems to beat a fatalistic warning.
Someone mutters and the streetlamp gutters,
and soon it will be morning.
Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise.
I must think of a new life,
And I mustn't give in.
When the dawn comes tonight will be a memory too,
And a new day will begin.
Burnt out ends of smokey days, the stale cold smell of morning.
The streetlamp dies, another night is over,
another day is dawning.
Touch me, it's so easy to leave me
All alone with the memory
Of my days in the sun.
If you touch me, you'll understand what happiness is.
Look, a new day has begun.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I am very pissed and tired.
Please don't answer 'very often' when I already prompted you to give me a range some many times. How the hell will I ever know your 'very often' means what.
I am very angry.
And why are Singaporean so LAZY?
Taking down the address will kill you is it?
Do you even need somebody to feed you when you're hungry?
I'll be seeing yous these weekends, how excited will I be?
Very, if possible, I will like to put super glue on the chains.
If I am not so hard up on money, I will have shout over the phone.
Yes, I am hard up and I need to money for my dream.
Dream is costly.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Perhaps they joke too much or I am too serious?
I don't really like the people there. So now you know why I have been wanted to job hop like last year. I really feel stupid spending 3 months stuck in the company.
I was replying my supervisor that my exams were over and I still have 1 more year to go provided if I pass this year.
And then.. Someone else tells you "最好你fail?"
What the.....
I think people are just weird.
Or maybe I am a little sensitive today? :(
Thursday, April 23, 2009
SUPER BIG WIND. I am so scared even though I am at home.
I wonder what if I am outside? Confirm I will be the first to fly away. Then you all have to use GPS to detect me. haha!
The wind brought in some gifts for me. Golden leaves scattered in my room. How I wish they are real gold!
And these gifts interrupted my study, how great.
It seems to be my Wiser Day isn't that wiser afterall.
This week, I did a lot of stupid acts.
First, I texted M and asked him did he put extra $50 into the change he got from the cashier.
And only to realise that I got the $50 from the deposit that Pamela returned to me. Dumbass. I feel super embarrassed after that.
Second, I send blank sms to M! It wasn't deliberately. My hands are out of control.
Third, I remembered the Stat1 local revision class timing wrongly. It is 8.30am today and I thought it's at 12pm. Just when I already boarded bus and at CJC, only to my realization, the class is at 8.30am. I am shocked. I called Shufen for help, need her to help me check whether is it at 8.30am or 12pm. And after the confirming the wrong timing, I took 66 back. It's so fun taking bus rides. Ya, like real. Who can be as dumb as me?
It seems to be my brain and hands are failing me.
Bad bad sign.
Side note: Everton vs Chelsea 0-0
Is Everton becoming stronger? This is the first time Everton got into semi final for the FA cup since 1995 or 1997.
And ya ya, Man U wins the match against Portsmouth.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
F3 celebrate my birthday with me at Mykii a restaurant at Holland Village.

Monday, April 13, 2009
I went down with bro and dad on Good Friday to see see on what are the phones available in the market now.
I tried on E71, the menu is quite complicated, but easy to use for messaging.
I quite like E63, a simple version of E71, menu is like normal nokia phone, easy to navigate but with only 2mega pixel for the camera.
In the end, I didn't get any phone. Because there isn't any that I am really satisfy with. Or maybe I don't want impulsive purchase. Hard earned money. Plus I might need to get a good camera in the upcoming IT show in June. And I need to save for bkk trip.
And now I like my bro's phone, Sony Ericsson G700, business edition. And my bro installed Sim2 in his handphone! Cool right? GOSHHHHH! I know I am outdated but I can't help it by feeling impressed. HAAAAAA!
I finally got my hands on Rigga! Rigga is a metal thingy for hangers, those thing that you can see in apparel shops, flea market and etc. Not sure what is the exact name for it. Rigga is a name that is given by Ikea. Haaa! I went down alone after collecting the stock from suppliers. I should have taken a trolley, I didn't expect it to be quite heavy. Maybe for my build size, I feel that it's rather heavy for me to carry around. I was practically running to the cashier after taking it. And no choice, I took cab home after that.
Okay, I need to pull up my socks. Sigh.
So.. Any goer for BKK trip? HAHA! Cheap cheap now!
Monday, April 06, 2009
This has been on my mind for quite some time.
Being an online seller isn't easy.
The effort and time that you spend on the business are tremendous.
Keeping up with trend, looking for nicer clothings all these don't come cheap.
Often people want cheap and unique stuffs but they forget the meaning that lies behind unique stuffs.
The amount that you pay for, doesn't really make it up for the time and effort I put in.
Try rushing there on time in order to get your hands on nicer stuffs when supplier updates. Pushing yourself into the crowded bus with bag(s) of clothes. And worst if you have to stand throughout the journey.
Taking time off in the day to take photos of the clothes when you could have revise your school work.
Replying comments, verifying payment and packing the clothes and mailing them out.
Try doing all these and tell me how you feel when people put you down.
I really hate people haggling prices with me when I already mentioned, 'No haggling of prices' or people even leaving comment such as "bring in clothes less than $20". Seriously at that moment, I feel the exact anger as Obama after knowing the news of AIG's shareholder/executives getting high dividends. Haha I am exaggerating. But I really did felt angry and disappointed.
If supplier doesn't sell me cheap stuffs, how am I going to make it cheap?
On top of that, I am running a profitable business, not charity organisation. If you really want cheap stuffs, you can probably try salvation army. Who knows you might find some treasures there!
I can't help it but to feel demoralised.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
MOF - Unagi Bento taste quote similar to Wasabi Tei one.
Anyway I am not sure is there any difference in unagi because I tried unagi at most of the japanese restaurant and they just taste quite the same.
On a side note, I tried Marvelous Cream at Citylink! WOOHOO!
Mixed Berry Cream Cheesecake! Erm.. it's sour because of the berries and the taste of cheese is quite strong. For cheese lover, you might like it.
Poor M kana tortured by the sourness.
I still prefer Ben&Jerry Strawberry Cheesecake afterall!
Next time I shall try the Caramel Chocolate Cream or or the one with banana!
Mumm mummm!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
And this are what I found out from the test:

I didn't know that after having sex with a prostitute, he could still left such a message for her.
I hope KAKA didn't do that kind of stuff!!!! And definitely not interested in right? ROAR!
This is funny!

And tada! HAA! I failed the test! But still consider smarter than average participant?
This is weird.

Confession of a Shopaholic is coming soon!
26 March, any catcher?